

Shintaido (新体道), meaning "new body way", is a body movement art emerged from a research on Karatedo and contemporary visual and performing arts, led by Master Hiroyuki Aoki (青木 宏之) in the 1960s. He sought to create a new form of movement that would embody the modern desire for peace, cooperation, and mutual understanding among people of all cultures, rather than to cultivate a competitive fighting art.

Shintaido is designed for mass practice; because, Shintaido is not a method for imparting secret killing technique by tutorial, like old traditional martial arts.

It has been called a moving meditation. Shintaido's forms exemplify openness and freedom. The movements of Shintaido provide a new way of experiencing our relationship with ourselves, others, nature, and the spiritual world. Shintaido is also a healing art, and a form of artistic expression. Shintaido attracts people who are interested in change, self development, and re-connecting with their bodies, their community, their spiritual nature.

Shintaido philosophy originated from Protestantism, because Hiroyuki Aoki was a devout Christian.


Three primordial technique of shintaido is Tenshingoso, Eiko, Meisoukumite.Shintaido learning system spread from those technique, and return to those.

Eiko (栄光)

Tenshin go so (天真五相)

meisoukumite (瞑想組手)

Hikari (光)

Old name: Hikarito-tawamureru.Hiroyuki developed the technique for leads human to big understanding instantaneous.

Wakame taiso (わかめ体操)

Seaweed against wave

Practitioner cutting each other at full power, it look like seaweed avoid wave of assaults by swords.

Other basic keiko

Tenshinn-jyuusou (天真柔操)

This warming-up exercises designed for preparing extreme exercise easily and calisthenics.This exercise based on effective martial arts technique.


kirikomi-kiriharai (斬り込み・斬り払い理論)

Hiroyuki discovered consolidating every bodily movement into cutting in and out.Eventually cuttin in and out consolidate to Kirikome (sutting in) Eiko.

4 elementary posture of human body (4体勢理論) Yontaiseiriron

*Kaihoutai (開放体) Open soft body and emit ki.
*Youkitai (養気体) Making body supple, profluent ki stream. Betwixt and between Kaihoutai and Jigotai.
*Jigotai (自護体) Enriching ki, closeing body.
*Seiritutai (正立体) Transcendentalizing other three posture.Relation with Kaihoutai, Youkitai and Jigotai looks like paper=Kaihoutai, scissors=Youkitai, rock=Jigotai.

Tankyuutai-soukyutai (単球体・双球体)

This practice and theory improve that feeling, inside of koshi (腰), relation between right part of koshi and left part of koshi, and handling two imaginary axis passing through koshi.

hinitai (死に体)

Opponent breaks the above relation, between left and right koshi. Then body becomes Shinitai (Half-dead condition).

hintaido Honka Senka (新体道本科・専科)

Regular Shintaido for beginner and advanced.Honka is for commons.Senka is for instructor.

Taimyo (大妙)

1st part Kanki from Kanku Reppaku from Meikyo Saizan from Hangetsu Youshin2nd part Taikimai shishi-mawashi shishi-furi Musouken Youshin3rd part Typical 10 posture for meditation Breathing method Youshin Tenshingoso with Youkitai

Aozorataiso (青空体操) Taikimai (大気舞)

Hiroyuki developed that at he was in his 50s.This is at inter-level between Youkitai and Kaihoutai.

8 principle Step (ステップ8則)

Hiroyuki simplified futile various human steps into 8 simple steps.


Old name:Seitei-hojyo-undoThese Method can not insert system. But these are important to developing mind, body and soul, and make easily contact with nihility space.
*SoritobiRabbit jump is good at making strong leg. But it is easy to get hurt.Then Hiroyuki change form.
*Meisou-jumpMeditation with jumpShintaido prohibit intoxicated abandon.This jump precaution it, and makes positive, pure, clear, bright meditation.


hintaido martial arts

Human expose in tremendous stress at kill-or-be-killed world. But human overstrain oneself. we outlive one's usefulness. For that, Shintaido improve our abiliti with relax.

Feature of Shintaido Kata is
*Lose all tension
*Look far
*Down all gravity
*Bent down Koshi as possible as you can

Common technique

All Shintaido technique is a part of Tenshingoso.


Standing most not mobile form, and overwhelm that hard to move with Mu. then evokes mind spreading and stab effectiveness.


Fist is one of the most distinct features of Shintaido Karate.
*Seiken=SeirituFist is a hand pose. It leads your body to each posture.

*Oizuki is chase attack with Seiken, second joint of long finger and wrist up as possible as you can.
*Ukezuki is receive attack with Jikyouken being an extension of arm bone.

There is infinite variation between Oizuki and Ukezuki.
Gichin Funakoshimade fists like that He curled finger from midfinger to annular finger ati rights with palm. This form is good at breaking material. But, not so effective to human body.and one of his disciple Sigeru Egami improve it to Nakadakaipponken (stab at interlevel between Oizuki and Ukezuki). One of his disciple Hiroyuki reach more up his wrists (Oizuki), open (Kaisyouken), at last losing tension (Musouken). At the moment he understood that, Musouken, Kaisyouken and Jikyouken are in a three-cornered deadlock. This is basis of 4 elementary posture of human body theory.




*Kohanuke (虎翻受け) Playful child tiger.
*Ryuhiuke (龍飛受け) playful dragon.

Art of throwing with stick

Hiroyuki was taught 75 throwing by experiencing mystery. Difficult 25 art have not got name, and hiroyuki forgot.But sometime he remember it.

*Jojutsu: short staff-fighting

*"'Kenjutsu"Sword Play


tanding pose

*seiritui old name:kiitu-seiritui

Hand pose


Beginner use big standing form.Advance student can understand smaller difference as the levels up.

Water fall training



Heterosuggestion is prohibited. But teaching autosuggestion is OK.Because, practitioner group who are subjected to heterosuggested have eerie homogeneity transmitted from instructor.

Art of calligraphy

Shintaido is practised in Japan, USA, Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Australia, Nepal, Philippines, India and Russia.

External links

* [ Shintaido]


* [ Total Stick Fighting]
* [ Shintaido: A New Art of Movement and Life Expression]

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