Blaine Lindgren

Blaine Lindgren

Harold Blaine Lindgren (born June 26, 1939) was an American athlete who competed mainly in the 110 metre hurdles.

He competed for the United States in the 1964 Summer Olympics held in Tokyo, Japan in the 110 metre hurdles where he won the silver medal.Lindgren was the first to cross the finish line, but because he leaned too soon, he crossed under the tape. Initially Lindgren was announced as the winner, but the Olympics rule book at the time indicated that the athlete who broke the tape was the winner. Thus, the officials awarded the gold medal to his teammate, Hayes Jones.cite web | last=Donohoe | first=Bob | coauthors= | title=Remembrence of Games Past | work=Continuum Magazine | pages= | language = | publisher = University of Utah | date = Winter, 2001-02 | url = | accessdate = 2008-06-16]


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