György Kósa

György Kósa

György Kósa (April 24, 1897, Budapest – August 16, 1984, Budapest) was a Hungarian composer.

Kósa studied with Béla Bartók, Zoltán Kodály, and Victor von Herzfeld between 1905 and 1916. From 1927, he taught piano at the Budapest Conservatory.

He composed nine operas, four ballets, and incidental music for four pantomimes, as well as nine symphonies, one orchestral suite, chamber music, eleven oratorios, several cantatas, one mass, one setting of the "Dies Irae", two requiems, and lieder.

His chamber works include among other works a string trio, a cello sonata (1965), a sonatina for cello solo (1928), a string quartet entitled Self-portrait (1920), and a second quartet published in 1962, an "In memoriam" for solo viola, a duo for violin and viola, and twelve miniatures for harp trio (1965).

External links

* [ Article on Kósa at Magyar Radio]

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