HMS Hermione (1893)

HMS Hermione (1893)

HMS "Hermione" was an "Astraea"-class protected cruiser launched at Devonport in 1893. She served in World War I and was sold in 1921. She was renamed HMS "Warspite" in 1922, and broken up in 1940.

In 1896 the "Hermione", commanded by Captain Charles R. Arbuthnot, was one of a squadron of six ships which was specially commissioned in reply to a congratulatory telegram from the German Emperor to President Paul Kruger on the repulse of Dr. Jameson's Raid. The squadron, known as the Particular Service Squadron, was commanded by Rear-Admiral Alfred Taylor Dale with his flag in "Revenge".

In September 1910 she began preparations for use as a tender for the Royal Navy's first airship, but when this project was abandoned, she rejoined the Home Fleet in January 1912. In the meantime, she had hosted the first British seaplane experiments, with an Avro Type D in November 1911.


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