Wanda Jakubowska

Wanda Jakubowska

Infobox actor

imagesize = 150px
name = Wanda Jakubowska
birthdate = birth date|1907|10|10
birthplace = Warsaw, Poland
deathdate = death date and age|1998|2|25|1907|10|10
deathplace = Warsaw, Poland
othername =
occupation = Film director
yearsactive = 1932 - 1988
imdb_id = 0416049

Wanda Jakubowska (born 10 October 1907 in Warsaw - died 25 February 1998 in Warsaw) was a Polish film director. During World War II, she was a prisoner in Auschwitz. After the war, she made movie "Ostatni etap" ("The Last Stage") in 1947. The film was partly shot on location at Auschwitz concentration camp. The film is based on director Wanda Jakubowska's personal experiences as a prisoner at Auschwitz. She claimed that what helped her to survive Auschwitz was constantly thinking about the documentation of her experiences.

elected filmography

* The Last Stage (1947)
* The Sea (1933)

External links

*imdb|0416049|Wanda Jakubowska

NAME= Jakubowska, Wanda
DATE OF BIRTH= 1907-10-10
PLACE OF BIRTH= Warsaw, Poland
DATE OF DEATH= 1998-2-25
PLACE OF DEATH= Warsaw, Poland

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