

name = "Phalanger"

image_caption = Ground Cuscus
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
subclassis = Marsupialia
ordo = Diprotodontia
subordo = Phalangeriformes
familia = Phalangeridae
subfamilia = Phalangerinae
tribus = Phalangerini
genus = "Phalanger"
genus_authority = Storr, 1780
type_species = "Didelphis orientalis"
type_species_authority = Pallas, 1766
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = 13, see text

"Phalanger" is a genus of possum. It is one of the four genera whose species are commonly referred to as cuscuses.

* Genus "Phalanger"
** Gebe Cuscus, "Phalanger alexandrae"
** Mountain Cuscus, "Phalanger carmelitae"
** Ground Cuscus, "Phalanger gymnotis"
** Eastern Common Cuscus, "Phalanger intercastellanus"
** Woodlark Cuscus, "Phalanger lullulae"
** Blue-eyed Cuscus, "Phalanger matabiru"
** Telefomin Cuscus, "Phalanger matanim"
** Southern Common Cuscus, "Phalanger mimicus"
** Northern Common Cuscus, "Phalanger orientalis"
** Ornate Cuscus, "Phalanger ornatus"
** Rothschild's Cuscus, "Phalanger rothsschildi"
** Silky Cuscus, "Phalanger sericeus"
** Stein's Cuscus, "Phalanger vestitus"

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