Ivanov (surname) — Ivanov (Bulgarian, ru. Иванов, sometimes the stress is on Иванов in Bulgarian if it is a middle name, or in Russian as a rare variant of pronunciation), Ivanoff or Ivanow (masculine) or Ivanova ( ru. Иванова; feminine) is one of the most common… … Wikipedia
Meanings of minor planet names: 4001–4500 — As minor planet discoveries are confirmed, they are given a permanent number by the IAU s Minor Planet Center, and the discoverers can then submit names for them, following the IAU s naming conventions. The list below concerns those minor planets … Wikipedia
Plovdiv — Пловдив … Wikipedia
Big Brother 3 (Bulgaria) — Big Brother endgame hmpage = [http://bb3.bigbrother.bg] seriesname = Big Brother 3 series = Season 3 (2006) previous = Big Brother 2 (Bulgaria) next = Big Brother 4 (Bulgaria) hm1 = Lyubov hm1 enter = Day 1 hm1 exit = Day 85 hm1 stat = winner hm2 … Wikipedia
Big Brother (Bulgaria) — style= background:#dddddd; text align:center; | Shows | Big Brother is a reality show. It is based on the Big Brother series by Endemol. The show originates from the Netherlands, where in 1999 the very first season was aired . At present, the… … Wikipedia
Liste des médaillées féminines aux Championnats du monde d'athlétisme — Médaillés en athlétisme Championnats du monde En plein air hommes … Wikipédia en Français
Liste des médaillées féminines aux championnats du monde d'athlétisme — Liste des médaillées féminines aux Championnats du monde d athlétisme, d Helsinki 1983 à Daegu 2011. Courses : 100 m 200 m 400 m 800 m 1 500 m 5 000 m 10 000 m Marathon Obstacles : 100 m haies 400 m haies 3 000 m steeple… … Wikipédia en Français
Todos los Personajes de Harry Potter — Anexo:Todos los Personajes de Harry Potter Saltar a navegación, búsqueda J.K. Rowling es la autora de la saga de Harry Potter. En la serie Harry Potter , escrita por J.K. Rowling, Hay mas de 600 personajes, acontinucacion estan todos. Esta lista… … Wikipedia Español
Anexo:Todos los Personajes de Harry Potter — Se ha sugerido que este artículo o sección sea fusionado en Anexo:Personajes de Harry Potter (discusión). Una vez que hayas realizado la fusión de artículos, pide la fusión de historiales aquí … Wikipedia Español
Big Brother 4 (Bulgaria) — Big Brother housemates seriesname = Big Brother 4 series = Season 4 (2008) previous = Big Brother 3 (Bulgaria)| next = imagebg = hm1 = Daniela hm1 enter = Day 1 hm1 exit = hm1 veto = hm1 stat = hm2 = Emilia hm2 enter = Day 1 hm2 exit = hm2 veto … Wikipedia