TAE connector

TAE connector

TAE (Telekommunikations-Anschluss-Einheit) is the German standard for telephone plugs and sockets.

The standard covers two TAE types: F ("Fernsprechgerät": for telephones) and N ("Nebengerät" or "Nichtfernsprechgerät": for other devices such as answering machines and modems). U coded sockets and plugs are universal connectors that are suitable for both device types.

E-coded connectors that are used in EAD-sockets are not intended for telephony applications.


The TAE system was introduced in the late 1980s before the German government-owned institution Deutsche Bundespost (DBP, German Federal Post) was divided into Deutsche Post (postal service), Deutsche Telekom (telecommunication services) and Postbank (financial services). Previously, telephones had been hardwired to their wall sockets and only officially approved telephones (legally distributable only by the DBP) were allowed to be connected to the telephone system. Furthermore, telephones and other communication devices could only be leased from the DBP and not be sold or bought on the free market.

By introduction of the TAE system the legal specification claiming that communication terminal equipment should be in the responsibility of the users could be implemented. Subsequently, a wide palette of communication devices became available in the open market for being plugged in standard TAE sockets. Adaptors allow for connecting devices with registered jacks that are internationally more prevalent.

Today, TAE connectors are common in Germany and other central European countries like Liechtenstein and Luxembourg. Modern TAE sockets also contain circuits referred to as "passiver Prüfabschluss" (network terminator analog).

TAE socket

Typical TAE installation is a multi-socket junction box with at least one N connector and one F connector socket in the box (usually 2 N and one F connector, but up to 3 N connectors are possible). Network service enters the box and connects to pins 1 and 2 on the right-most N connector. Service is daisy-chained from pins 5 and 6 on the N connector to pins 1 and 2 on the next N connector to the left. The F connector is attached to pins 5 and 6 on the last N connector at the end of the chain.

TAE plug

(Image shown with flat side of connector down and the metallic pins facing you. The cable pigtail exits at the bottom of the connector)

If you are wiring a TAE plug, note that you should use a MIRROR IMAGE of this illustration (pins 1 through 3 are on the LEFT side) if wiring the connector with the flat side UP.


Since the TAE connector doesn't feature gold contacts, users commonly face contact problems due to oxidation like sizzling and crackling noise in analog voice transmission.

The TAE connector's form factor is rather clumsy compared to the registered jack connector.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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