Portugal at the 1920 Summer Olympics

Portugal at the 1920 Summer Olympics

Infobox Olympics Portugal
games=1920 Summer

Portugal competed at the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp, Belgium.

A delegation of thirteen competitors participated in two sports, however no medal was conquered.

Results by event


Men's Team Épée:
* António Mascarenhas de Menezes, Fernando Correia , Frederico Paredes, Henrique Cunha da Silveira, João Sassetti, Jorge de Paiva, Manuel Queiroz and Ruimondo Mayer — finalists (4th – 6th)

Men's Individual Épée:
* António Mascarenhas de Menezes — 3rd round (poule 1)
* Fernando Correia — 2nd round (poule 2)
* João Sassetti — 2nd round (poule 1)
* Ruimondo Mayer — 1st round (poule 5)


Men's Team: António da Silva Martins, António Damião, António dos Santos, Dario Cannas and Herminio Rebelo

*30m Army Pistol — 8th and last (1184 points)

*300m Free Rifle, Prone — 15th and last (256 points)

*300m Free Rifle, Standing — 11th (226 points)

*300+600m Free Rifle, Prone — 11th (519 points)

*600m Free Rifle — 14th and last (248 points)


* [http://www.aafla.org/5va/reports_frmst.htm Official Olympic Reports]
* [http://www.olympic.org/uk/athletes/results/search_r_uk.asp International Olympic Committee results database]
* [http://users.skynet.be/hermandw/olymp/cpor1920.html 1920 Olympians from Portugal]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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