- Rectus sheath
Infobox Anatomy
Latin = vagina musculi recti abdominis
GraySubject = 118
GrayPage = 416
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DorlandsPre = v_01
DorlandsSuf = 12842658
The Rectus sheath is formed by theaponeuroses of theObliqui and Transversus. It contains the Rectus abdominis and Pyramidalis muscles.It can be divided into anterior [Dorlands|l_02zPzhtm#12475879] and posterior [Dorlands|l_02|12476587] laminae.
The arrangement of the layers has important variations at different locations in the body.
Below the costal margin
For context, above the sheath are the following three layers:
superficial fascia
#Camper's fascia
#Scarpa's fascia Within the sheath, the layers vary:
Below the sheath are the following three layers:
#transversalis fascia
#extraperitoneal fat
#parietal peritoneum The Rectus, in the situation where its sheath is deficient below, is separated from the
peritoneum only by thetransversalis fascia , in contrast to the upper layers, where part of the internal oblique also runs beneath the rectus. Because of the thinner layers below, this region is more susceptible toherniation .Above the costal margin
Since the tendons of the Obliquus internus and Transversus only reach as high as the
costal margin , it follows that above this level the sheath of the Rectus is deficient behind, the muscle resting directly on the cartilages of the ribs, and being covered merely by the tendon of the Obliquus externus.
External links
* - "Incisions and the contents of the rectus sheath."
* - "Anterior Abdominal Wall: The Rectus Abdominis Muscle"
* - anterior layer
* - posterior layer above arcuate line
* - posterior layer above arcuate line
* - "The Rectus Sheath, Anterior View & Transverse Section"
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.