- Walter Simon
Ernest Julius Walter Simon CBE FBA (
10 June 1893 ,Berlin -22 February 1981 ,London ) was asinologist andlibrarian . He was born in Berlin and lived there, being educated at theUniversity of Berlin , until he fled theNazi s to London in 1934, where he spent all the rest of his life except for brief periods as a visiting professor in various countries, teaching Chinese at theUniversity of London from 1947 to 1960. He made great contributions tohistorical Chinese phonology and Sino-Tibetan linguistics.Career
* Higher Library Service, Berlin University Library, 1919-35
* Exchange Librarian, National Library of Peking, 1932-33
* Lecturer in Chinese, University of Berlin, 1926-32; Extraordinary Professor of Chinese, University of Berlin, 1932-34
* Lecturer,School of Oriental and African Studies , 1936; Reader in Chinese, University of London, 1938; Professor of Chinese, University of London, 1947-60, Emeritus Professor, 1960
* Visiting Professor:University of Toronto , 1961-62;Australian National University , Canberra, 1962; Tokyo, Canberra and Melbourne, 1970Simon was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 1961.
Other posts
* Editor, Asia Major, 1964-75
* Honorary Fellow, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
* Honorary Vice-President,Royal Asiatic Society , 1976-1981 (Gold Medal, 1977)Publications on Chinese Linguistics
*de icon "Zur Rekonstruktion der altchinesischen Endkonsonanten", 2 Parts, 1928-29
* "Tibetisch-chinesische Wortgleiehungen: Ein Versuch", 1930
* "Chinese Sentence Series", 3 volumes, 1942-44
* "New Official Chinese Latin Script", 1942
* "Chinese National Language (Gwoyeu) Reader", 1943 (2nd edn 1954, reprinted 1972)
* "1200 Chinese Basic Characters", 1944 (4th repr. 1975)
* "How to Study and Write Chinese Characters", 1944 (3rd reprint 1975)
* "Structure Drill through Speech Patterns, I. Structure Drill in Chinese", 1945 (2nd edn 1959, reprinted 1975)
* "Beginners' Chinese-English Dictionary", 1947 (4th edn 1975)Publications on Tibetan Linguistics
*1941. “Certain Tibetan suffixes and their combinations.” "Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies" 5:388-89
*1942. “Tibetan dang, cing, kyin, yin and ‘am”. "Bulletin of the School of Oreintal and African Studies" 10, 1942. 954-975.
*1949. “The range of sound alternation in Tibetan word families.” "Asia Major (New Series)" 1:1-15
*1956. "Tibetan "so" and Chinese "ya" 'Tooth'" "Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies" 18.3 (1956): 512-513.
*1957. “Tibetan gseb and cognate words.” "Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies" 20 (1957): 523-32
*1962. “Tibetan par, dpar, spar, and cognate words.” "Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies" 25 (1962): 720-80.
*1964. “Tibetan Lexicography and Etymological Research.“ "Transactions of the Philological Society" (1964): 85-107.
*1966. “Tibetan nyin-rans and tho-rangs.” "Asia Major" 12, 1966. 179-84.
*1967. “The Tibetan particle re.” "Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies" 30 (1967): 117-26.
*1968. “Tibetan re in its wider context” "Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies" 31 (1968): 555-62.
*1969. “Cognates of Tibetan rnangs-pa (‘entire, complete’).” "Academica Sinica: Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology" 39 (1969): 287-9.
*1971. “Tibetan ‘fifteen’ and ‘eighteen’” "Études Tibétaines: dédiées à la mémoire de Marcelle Lalou." Paris: Libraire d’Amérique et d’Orient, 1971.
*1977. "Alternation of Final Vowel with Final Dental Nasal or Plosive in Tibetan." "Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies" 40.1 (1977): 51-57.
*1979. “Tibetan stes, stes-te, etc. and some of the Sanskrit correspondences.” "Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies" 42 (1979): 334-6.
*1980. "Some Tibetan Etymologies of Semantic Interest." "Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies" 43.1 (1980): 132-136.References
* "Who was Who"
External links
* [http://www.nla.gov.au/pub/nlanews/2000/december00/waltersimon.html Walter Simon: A scholar-Librarian and his East Asian Collection] , National Library of Australia.
* [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0041-977X%281982%2945%3A2%3C344%3AOPEWS%3E2.0.CO%3B2-E Obituary] , by H. L. Shorto, "Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies", University of London, Vol. 45, No. 2. (1982), p. 344, available throughJSTOR .
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