- Wigner D-matrix
The Wigner D-matrix is a matrix in an
irreducible representation of the groupsSU(2) andSO(3) . The complex conjugate of the D-matrix is an eigenfunction of the Hamiltonian of spherical and symmetricrigid rotor s.Definition Wigner D-matrix
Let , , be generators of the
Lie algebra of SU(2) and SO(3). Inquantum mechanics thesethree operators are the components of a vector operator known as "angular momentum". Examplesare the angular momentum of an electronin an atom, electronic spin,and the angular momentumof arigid rotor . In all cases the three operators satisfy the followingcommutation relations ,:where "i" is the purelyimaginary number and Planck's constant has been put equal to one. The operator: is a Casimir operator of SU(2) (or SO(3) as the case may be).It may be diagonalized together with (the choice of this operatoris a convention), which commutes with . That is, it can be shown that there is a complete set of kets with:where and . (For SO(3) the "quantum number" is integer.)A
rotation operator can be written as:where and areEuler angles (characterized by the keywords: z-y-z convention, right-handed frame, right-hand screw rule, active interpretation).The Wigner D-matrix is a square matrix of dimension withgeneral element:The matrix with general element : is known as Wigner's (small) d-matrix.
Wigner (small) d-matrix
Wigner [E. P. Wigner, "Gruppentheorie und ihre Anwendungen auf die Quantenmechanik der Atomspektren", Vieweg Verlag, Braunschweig (1931). Translated into English: J. J. Griffin, "Group Theory and its Application to the Quantum Mechanics of Atomic Spectra", Academic Press, New York (1959).] gave the following expression:The sum over "s" is over such values that the factorials are nonnegative.
"Note:" The d-matrix elements defined here are real. In the often-used z-x-z convention of Euler angles, the factor in this formula is replaced by , causing half of the functions to be purely imaginary. The realness of the d-matrix elements is one of the reasons that the z-y-z convention, used in this article, is usually preferred in quantum mechanical applications.
The d-matrix elements are related to
Jacobi polynomials with nonnegative and . [L. C. Biedenharn and J. D. Louck, "Angular Momentum in Quantum Physics", Addison-Wesley, Reading, (1981).] Let ::
Then, with , the relation is
Properties of Wigner D-matrix
The complex conjugate of the D-matrix satisfies a number of differential propertiesthat can be formulated concisely by introducing the following operators with ,:which have quantum mechanical meaning: they are space-fixed
rigid rotor angular momentum operators.Further,:which have quantum mechanical meaning: they are body-fixed
rigid rotor angular momentum operators.The operators satisfy the
commutation relations :and the corresponding relations with the indices permuted cyclically. The satisfy "anomalous commutation relations" (have a minus sign on the right hand side). The two sets mutually commute,:and the total operators squared are equal,:Their explicit form is,:
The operators act on the first (row) index of the D-matrix,:and:
The operators act on the second (column) index of the D-matrix:and because of the anomalous commutation relation the raising/lowering operatorsare defined with reversed signs,:
In other words, the rows and columns of the (complex conjugate) Wigner D-matrix span
irreducible representations of the isomorphic Lie algebra's generated by and .An important property of the Wigner D-matrix follows from the commutation of with the time reversal operator ,:or: Here we used that is anti-unitary (hence the complex conjugation after moving from ket to bra), and .
Orthogonality relations
The Wigner D-matrix elements form a complete setof orthogonal functions of the Euler angles , and ::
This is a special case of the
Schur orthogonality relations .Relation with spherical harmonic functions
The D-matrix elements with second index equal to zero, are proportionalto
spherical harmonics , normalized to unity and with Condon and Shortley phase convention, :In the present convention of Euler angles, is a longitudinal angle and is a colatitudinal angle (spherical polar anglesin the physical definition of such angles). This is one of the reasons that the "z"-"y"-"z"
convention is used frequently in molecular physics.From the time-reversal property of the Wigner D-matrix follows immediately:There exists a more general relationship to thespin-weighted spherical harmonics ::Relation with Legendre polynomials
The Wigner small d-matrix elements with both indices set to zero are relatedto
Legendre polynomial s:See also
Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
* Eugene Paul WignerReferences
Cited references
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.