- Gerolamo Emiliani
Infobox Saint
name=Saint Jerome Emiliani
death_date=February 8 ,1537
feast_day=February 8 July 20 (General Roman Calendar , 1769-1969)
venerated_in=Roman Catholic Church
caption="Saint Jerome Emiliani
beatified_by=Pope Benedict XIV
canonized_by=Pope Clement XIII
issues=Saint Jerome Emiliani ( _it. Gerolamo Emiliani also Jerome Aemilian, Hiëronymus Emiliani) (1486 –
February 8 1537 ), was an Italian humanitarian, founder of theSomaschi Fathers , andsaint . He was canonized in 1767 and is thepatron saint oforphan s. [web cite|url=http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08343a.htm|title=St. Jerome Emiliani|work=Catholic Encyclopedia ]Biography
Jerome was born in
Venice , the son of Angelo Emiliani (popularly called Miani) and Eleonore Mauroceni. He joined the army and, in 1508, defended Castelnuovo against theLeague of Cambray . Taken prisoner and miraculously liberated, he made a pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady ofTreviso , in fulfillment of a vow. He was then appointedpodestà (Venetian magistrate) ofCastelnuovo , but after a short time returned to Venice to supervise the education of his nephews. All his spare time was devoted to the study of theology and to works of charity.After his ordination to the priesthood in 1518, the hospitals and the hovels of the poor were his favorite resorts. In the year of plague and famine (1528), he seemed to be everywhere, and showed his zeal, especially for the orphans, whose number had so greatly increased. He rented a house for them near the church of St. Rose and, with the assistance of some pious laymen, ministered to their wants. To his charge was also committed the hospital for incurables, founded by
St. Cajetan . In 1531 he went toVerona and induced the citizens to build a hospital; atBrescia and atBergamo , he erectedorphanage s, one for boys and another for girls. Here also he founded the first home for fallen women who wished to do penance.Two priests, Alessandro Besuzio and Agostino Bariso, now joined him in his labors of charity, and in 1532 Gerolamo founded a religious society, placing the motherhouse at
Somasca , a secluded North Italianhamlet in theComune ofVercurago betweenMilan and Bergamo, after which the members became known asSomaschi . In the rule, Gerolamo stated the principal work of the community was the care of orphans, poor and sick, and demanded that dwellings, food and clothing would bear the mark of religious poverty.St Jerome fell a martyr to his zeal; contracting a disease at Bergamo, he died at Somasca in 1537.
He was
beatified byPope Benedict XIV in 1747, andcanonized byPope Clement XIII in 1767. The Office and Mass in his honor were approved eight years later. He was thus not included in the 1570Tridentine Calendar . When inserted in the Roman Calendar in 1769, he was assigned the date of20 July . In 1969,Pope Paul VI moved his feast to the day of his death,8 February . ["Calendarium Romanum" (Libreria Editrice Vatican), pages 87 and 130]External links
* [http://www.saintpetersbasilica.org/Statues/Founders/JeromeEmiliani/Jerome%20Emiliani.htm Founder Statue in St Peter's Basilica]
ources and references
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.