Zombie Powder

Zombie Powder

] :Compared to his fellow cast members, C.T. Smith has had more favorable critical reception. Anime News Network said he was one of the few fresh points of the series and had the most distinctive design among the cast.cite web|url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/zombie-powder/gn-3|title=Zombie Powder GN 3|author=Theron Martin|date=2007-03-01|publisher=Anime News Network|accessed=2008-09-12] MangaCast's reviewer, on the other hand, found his role mostly extraneous, due to being overshadowed by Gamma.

;Nihongo|Wolfgangina Lalla Getto|ウルフギャンギーナ・ララ・ジェット|Urufgangīna Rara Jetto:Wolfgangina Getto, nicknamed Wolfina, is a busty 18-year-old paparazzi journalist who specializes in criminal expose stories. Her comatose brother Emilio contains a Ring of the Dead, which he found 8 years before the main story line and has been consuming his life force ever since. Wolfina is introduced in the ninth chapter of the series, and joins up with the main characters soon after in order to protect her brother from Balmunk. She fights using a modified camera tripod she calls "the tripod of justice". At the end of the series she agrees to work for Zanza Gemini for a year as an experimental subject in order to pay for the operation removing the Ring of the Dead from Emilio, and is left behind by Gamma and Smith as they continue their powder hunting.:Reception of Wolfina's character has been superficial but positive, limited to contrasting her large-breasted character design to the otherwise lanky designs used in the series and remarking on her creative and quirky weapon choice.

;nihongo|Baragne Binoix Bartoreuil Balmunk|バラーニュ・ビノワ・バルトルイユ・バルムンク|Barānyu Binowa Barutoruiyu Barumunku:Balmunk the Mystic is a sorceror, powder hunter, and "A-0"-class wanted criminal who is introduced in the eleventh chapter and takes the role of antagonist for the remainder of the series. He has powerful summoning abilities which allow him to create weapons, call upon his henchmen and beasts such as tigers, and in his most powerful technique, create a giant golem named Amantine. Balmunk leads a gang of criminals with unusual powers based on traditional circus and freak show acts, such as fire swallowing and the box-impalement trick. Balmunk kidnaps Emilio in order to obtain the Ring of the Dead within him, but is defeated by Gamma. He has an unknown background with Gamma, and knows about Gamma's berserker personality, but the details are never revealed due to the story being cut short by cancellation.:Balmunk and his circus troupe received positive reception in reviews, which considered the group a colorful and creepy opposing threat. A scene at the end of volume 2 in which Balmunk offers to return Emilio's body to Wolfina unharmed, but without his head, was cited by MangaCast as an eerie and effective character builder. Anime News Network said his character was a unique application of a villain trope that, while not original, is a rarity in Eastern comics, and rarely done so "outlandishly" even in the West.


"Zombie Powder" began serialization in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump in 1999, and ran a short 27 chapters before being canceled in 2000. According to the author's commentary in the cover leaf of the third tankōbon, Tite Kubo was in a state of severe emotional trauma when he wrote it. [cite book|title=Zombie Powder vol. 03|last=Kubo|first=Tite|authorlink=Tite Kubo|year=2000|publisher=Shueisha|isbn=4-08-872877-7|pages=Author's commentary] The series was collected into four volumes, published in 2000 in Japan. "Zombie Powder" was licensed for English distribution by VIZ Media in 2005, following the success of the "Bleach" manga. [cite web|url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2005-11-25/new-viz-titles|title=New Viz Titles|date=2005-11-25|publisher=Anime News Network|accessed=2008-10-12] The first English volume was released in the United States in September 2006, and the last was released in June 2007.

There are several differences between the Japanese and English releases of "Zombie Powder". The cover of the second manga volume, which featured an illustration of C.T. Smith holding a gun to his own head, was redrawn for the English edition to instead feature a picture of Gamma in sunglasses.cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4088728521|title=ZOMBIE POWDER 2 (2) (ジャンプコミックス): 久保 帯人: 本:|publisher=Amazon.co.jp|accessed=2008-10-13] cite web|url=http://www.amazon.com/dp/1421501538/|title=Zombie Powder, Volume 2 (Zombie Powder) (Comic)|Publisher=Amazon.com|accessed=2008-10-13] The English editions of volumes 2-4 also each contain a one-shot story from early in Kubo's career: "Ultra Unholy Hearted Machine", "Rune Master Urara", and "Bad Shield United", respectively. [cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=5334|title=ZOMBIEPOWDER., Vol. 2|publisher=VIZ media|accessed=2008-10-13] [cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=6427|title=ZOMBIEPOWDER., Vol. 3|publisher=VIZ media|accessed=2008-10-13] [cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=6428|title=ZOMBIEPOWDER., Vol. 4|publisher=VIZ media|accessed=2008-10-13]


"Zombie Powder" sold unremarkably in Japan, but has been commercially successful in the United States. Two likely reasons for this success are that its English release followed the international popularity of Tite Kubo's second manga series "Bleach", and that the American market has a larger appetite for series which focus on violent action. The second volume was in the top 100 graphic novels for Christmas 2006. [cite web|url=http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/9908.html|title=Top 100 Graphic Novels Actual--December 2006|date=2007-01-16|publisher=ICv2|accessed=2008-09-13]

Critical reception of "Zombie Powder" as a whole has been mostly mediocre and average. Two reviews from Anime News Network have ranked it as a C, it received a C+ review from MangaCast, a Den of Geek review gave it 3/5 stars, and an IGN review concluded it was "no better or worse that many other shōnen titles" with "not much to separate it from the massive stock of shōnen series that are similar to it". The universal criticism in these reviews is that the series as a whole lacks originality, with most mentioning that it reads very much like an author's first effort, and would appeal mostly to fans of the author.

Reception for individual elements of "Zombie Powder" has been more mixed. The series premise of seeking magical items was criticized as cliche by ANN and IGN, but the parasitic nature of the rings and zombie powder themselves were complimented by MangaCast and IGN for lending suspense to the plot. The setting was criticized by ANN for not having much effort put into it, being too similar to "Trigun", and seeming to be chosen just for the sake of coolness, while IGN liked the mixture of the old west, arcane, and technological. The quality of individual characters in the series was again a mixed bag, both for artistic design and personalities, but with a general consensus that the characters did not go much beyond their respective tropes.

Of all the elements of the series, "Zombie Powder"' action sequences received the most feedback. ANN said the action was entertainingly violent, well-paced, and interspersed well with comedic moments, but with the disclaimer that the action was "the entire sum and substance" of the series. IGN opened their review with a Tite Kubo quote from the first volume's fl
blockquote|The theme is fighting. Sitting there and just reading it without thinking is fine. But if you ever feel like it please try to use your mind as you read." [cite book|title=Zombie Powder vol. 01|last=Kubo|first=Tite|authorlink=Tite Kubo|year=2006|publisher=VIZ media|isbn=1-42150-152-X|pages=Author's commentary] and said that if this advice was taken "Zombie Powder" could be a "great shonen tale", but that without it the story was only enjoyable by dissection and comparison to other series. Finally, Den of Geek found "Zombie Powder"'s "wall-to-wall" action sequences colorful and fun, but complained that the sheer mass of them overwhelmed the rest of the story.

Manga chapters

Graphic novel list/header
Language = Japanese
LineColor =
Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 1 [cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/ZOMBIE-POWDER-1-%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%97%E3%82%B3%E3%83%9F%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9/dp/4088728289|title=ZOMBIE POWDER 1 (1) (ジャンプコミックス): 久保 帯人: 本:|publisher=Amazon.co.jp|accessed=2008-10-13] [cite web|url=http://www.amazon.com/Zombie-Powder-Vol/dp/142150152X/|title=Zombie Powder, Vol. 1 (Zombie Powder) (Comic)|Publisher=Amazon.com|accessed=2008-10-13]
OriginalRelDate = February, 2000
OriginalISBN = 4-08-872828-9
LicensedRelDate = September 5, 2006
LicensedISBN = 1-42150-152-X
ChapterList =
* track.2/ BAPTISM BY FIRE
* track.3/ C.T. SMITH
* track.4/ shakin' edges& smokin' barrels
* TRACK.5/face behind the mask.
* track.6/ Deceiving Jet Joe
* track.7/ BLACKFIRED.
VolumeExtras =;Volume title
* D.I.B.A. (Death In a Black Arm);Cover character
* Gamma
Summary =
LineColor =
Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 2
OriginalRelDate = April, 2000
OriginalISBN = 4-08-872852-1
LicensedRelDate = December 5, 2006
LicensedISBN = 1-42150-153-8
ChapterList =
* track.8/ Search & Bangaway
* track.9/ Tripod of Justice
* track.10/ WOLFINA (Has No Lips for Tell You)
* track.11/ ROCKER&MYSTIC
* track.12/ The Ring Of The Dead (My Love Feeds On You)
* track.13/ The Birdcage Evergreen
* track.14/ killercircus.
VolumeExtras =;Volume title
* Can't Kiss The Ring (Of The Dead.);Cover character
* JPN: C.T.Smith, US: Gamma
Summary =
LineColor =
Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 3 [cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/ZOMBIE-POWDER-3-%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%97%E3%82%B3%E3%83%9F%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9/dp/4088728777|title=ZOMBIE POWDER 3 (3) (ジャンプコミックス): 久保 帯人: 本:|publisher=Amazon.co.jp|accessed=2008-10-13] [cite web|url=http://www.amazon.com/Zombie-Powder-3/dp/1421511215/|title=Zombie Powder, Volume 3 (Zombie Powder) (Comic)|Publisher=Amazon.com|accessed=2008-10-13]
OriginalRelDate = June, 2000
OriginalISBN = 4-08-872877-7
LicensedRelDate = March 6, 2007
LicensedISBN = 1-42151-121-5
ChapterList =
* track.15/ DIVISIONS.
* track.16/ FLAMEDIVER.
* Track.17/ The Hyena is calling (Craze & Triggerhappy)
* track.18/ Birdcage Evergreen X append selfdemonizer mix.
* track.19/ excoriated the Black Butterfly
* track.20/ Can't Howl My Innerjesus.
* track.21/ No Hesitate, No Fear.
VolumeExtras =;Volume title
* Pierce Me Standing;Cover character
* Elwood
Summary =
LineColor =
Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 4 [cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/ZOMBIE-POWDER-4-%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%97%E3%82%B3%E3%83%9F%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9/dp/4088728971|title=ZOMBIE POWDER 4 (4) (ジャンプコミックス): 久保 帯人: 本:|publisher=Amazon.co.jp|accessed=2008-10-13] [cite web|url=http://www.amazon.com/Zombie-Powder-Zombiepowder-Tite-Kub/dp/1421511223/|title=Zombie Powder, Volume 4 (Zombiepowder) (Paperback)|Publisher=Amazon.com|accessed=2008-10-13]
OriginalRelDate = August, 2000
OriginalISBN = 4-08-872897-1
LicensedRelDate = June 5, 2007
LicensedISBN = 1-42151-122-3
ChapterList =
* track.22/ lay your heart on me.
* TRACK.23/ CageBreaker3
* track.24/But still livin' under the Sky.
* Zombiepowdersnow.
* track.26/beLIEve.
* track for cut down/the nameless way
* zombiepowderextra./sleeping with vertigo.
VolumeExtras =;Volume title
* Walk This Nameless Way/Like a ZOMBIE/;Cover character
* Wolfina
Summary =
LineColor =


*cite book|title=Zombie Powder vol. 01|last=Kubo|first=Tite|authorlink=Tite Kubo|year=2000|language=Japanese|publisher=Shueisha|isbn=4-08-872828-9
*cite book|title=Zombie Powder vol. 02|last=Kubo|first=Tite|authorlink=Tite Kubo|year=2000|language=Japanese|publisher=Shueisha|isbn=4-08-872852-1
*cite book|title=Zombie Powder vol. 03|last=Kubo|first=Tite|authorlink=Tite Kubo|year=2000|language=Japanese|publisher=Shueisha|isbn=4-08-872877-7
*cite book|title=Zombie Powder vol. 04|last=Kubo|first=Tite|authorlink=Tite Kubo|year=2000|language=Japanese|publisher=Shueisha|isbn=4-08-872897-1


External links

* [http://jump.shueisha.co.jp/home.html Weekly Shonen Jump] ja icon
* [http://www.viz.com/ VIZ Media]
* [http://www.shonenjump.com/ American Shonen Jump]

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