Pranas Kūris

Pranas Kūris

Pranas Kūris (born 20 August 1938 in Šeduva, Radviliškis district) is a Lithuanian lawyer. He is the first representative of Lithuania in the European Court of Justice and European Court of Human Rights.

Pranas Kūris has graduated the Law Faculty of Vilnius University in 1961 and has worked as a lecturer in the Department of the International and European Union Law of the Faculty.

He worked in the field of International public law.

Pranas Kūris was appointed as a judge from Lithuania to the European Court of Justice in 2004. Pranas Kūris son, Egidijus Kūris, was one of the Justices of Lithuanian Constitutional Court.

See also

*Law of Lithuania
*Danutė Jočienė
*Egidijus Kūris

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