The Sun of Tiphareth

The Sun of Tiphareth

Infobox Album
Name = The Sun of Tiphareth
Type = studio
Longtype =
Artist = Absu

Released = March 1 1995
Recorded =
Genre = Black metal
Length = 43:09
Label = Osmose Productions
Producer =
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"The Sun of Tiphareth" is Absu's second album released on March 1st, 1995 by Osmose records.

Track listing

#"Feis Mor Tir Na N'og (Across The North Sea To Visnech)"
#"Cyntefyn's Fountain"
#"A Quest Into The 77th Novel"
#"Our Lust For Lunar Plains (Nox Luna Inlustris)"
#"The Coming Of War"
#"The Sun Of Tiphareth"

Line Up

Proscriptor - Drums & Percussion, Vocals, Keyboards
Shaftiel - Electric and Acoustic Guitars, Vocals
Equitant - Bass, Additional Guitars
(Special Guest)
Lady Dana - Additional Vocals

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