- Gideon Moi
Charles Njonjo .]Gideon Moi (born 1964) is a
Kenya n politician. He is the youngest son of Kenya's second president,Daniel arap Moi , and Lena Moi.Gideon's primary school education was at the elite
Kenton College Preparatory School. He was one of 24 students enrolled to attendStrathmore College when it opened its doors to secondary school students in 1977. He would remain there from 1977 to 1980. After his father's ascension to power in August 1978, following the death of PresidentJomo Kenyatta , Gideon became a disengaged student. Despite Gideons's poor grades, his father (President Moi) used his influence and Gideon was allowed to attendSt. Mary's School, Nairobi from 1981 to 1982 alongside his lifelong friend,Uhuru Kenyatta . Gideon then embarked on a career in business where with his father's help he was quite successful. There have been and continue to be many allegations of corruption regarding his business dealings but with investigations into corruption in Kenya stalled, his innocence must be assumed. [Mars Group Kenya: August 31 2007: " [http://www.marsgroupkenya.org/pages/stories/looting_Kenya/index.php The Massive Looting of Kenya. The Kroll Report. Analysis, Details, updates] "] [Financial Times: August 31 2007: " [http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/312e9ae4-57eb-11dc-8c65-0000779fd2ac.html Kenya graft in spotlight] "] [The Times: September 3, 2007: " [http://www.sundaytimes.co.za/News/Article.aspx?id=554566 Son of Kenya ex-president to sue British newspaper] "] [The Standard: October 20 2007: " [http://www.eastandard.net/hm_news/news.php?articleid=1143976291 Gideon sues papers over Kroll Report] "]After his father retired from politics in the year 2002,he ran for
Baringo Central Constituency which had been previously held by his fathers since 1955. He represented the people of Baringo Central for one term, 2002-2007. He also wields the most influence with his father who still has considerable clout in KANU party, the former ruling party in Kenya, of which Gideon is a member. [Nation Media Group: May 8, 2007: " [http://politics.nationmedia.com/inner.asp?cat=Baringo%20Central&cid=161 Gideon’s chance to move out of father’s shadow] "]In August 2007, "
The Guardian " reported that the Kroll report, commissioned in 2004 by then PresidentMwai Kibaki to trace assets of people who were suspected of looting the state, listed Gideon Moi. It reported that Gideon was worth USD 550 million. [cite news| url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2007/aug/31/kenya.topstories3| title=The looting of Kenya| date=2007-08-31| author=Xan Rice| publisher=The Guardian | accessdate=2008-02-29] [cite news| url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2007/dec/29/kenya.international1| title=President heads for humiliating defeat as Kenyan voters throw out the old guard| date=2007-12-27| author=Xan Rice| publisher=The Guardian | accessdate=2008-02-29]Personal life
He is married to Zahra, she is a Muslim of Borana tribe despite Gideon being Christian but many claim that she left her tradition to be part of the former kenyan first family. Gideon Moi has played
Polo forGilgil -basedManyatta club. [Daily Nation: June 28, 2007: " [http://www.nationmedia.com/dailynation/nmgcontententry.asp?category_id=5&newsid=101246 Polo club celebrates centenary] "]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.