- Responsible Care
Responsible Care is a global, voluntary initiative developed autonomously by the chemical industry for the chemical industry - it is run in 52 countries whose combined chemical industries account for nearly 90% of global chemicals production.It stands for the chemical industry's desire to improve health, safety, and environmental performance.
The signatory chemical companies agree to commit themselves to improve their performances in the fields of environmental protection, occupational safety and health protection, plant safety, product stewardship and logistics, as well as to continuously improve the dialog with their neighbors and the public, independent from legal requirements.
Critical analyses of Responsible Care have been done by Andrew King and Michael Lenox [cite web | last = King A. & Lenox M.| title = Industry self-regulation without sanctions: the chemical industry's Responsible Care program. | url = http://www.stern.nyu.edu/bes/papers/selfreg.pdf | accessdate = 2007-02-16 ] , Michael Givel [cite journal |last = Givel |first = Michael |year = 2007 |title = “Motivation of Chemical Industry Social Responsibility Through Responsible Care” |journal = Health Policy |volume = 81 |issue = |pages = 85–92 |doi = 10.1016/j.healthpol.2006.05.015] , and Moffet, Bregha and Middelkoop [cite web |url=http://www.carleton.ca/spa/VolCode/Ch6.pdf |title=Responsible Care: A Case Study of a Voluntary Environmental Initiative |accessdate=2007-09-30 |accessmonthday= |accessdaymonth= |accessyear= |author=Moffet |last= |first=John |authorlink= |coauthors=François Bregha and Mary Jane Middelkoop |date= |year=2007 |month=September |format= |work= |publisher=Carleton University, School of Public Policy and Administration |pages= |language= |doi= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote= ]
External links
* [http://www.responsiblecare.org Responsible Care web site]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.