Soyuz TMA-1

Soyuz TMA-1

Infobox Space mission
mission_name = Soyuz TMA-1
sign = "Yenisey"
shuttle =
insignia = Soyuz TMA-1 patch white.jpg
insignia_size = 180px
stats_ref =
crew_members = 3
launch_pad = Gagarin's Start
launch = October 30, 2002
03:11:11 UTC
begin_spacewalk =
end_spacewalk =
lunar_landing =
lunar_eva_length =
lunar_surface_time =
lunar_sample_mass =
landing = May 4, 2003
02:04:25 UTC
49.39° N; 61.2° E
duration = 185 days 22 hours 53 minutes 14 seconds
lunar_orbits =
time_lunar_orbits =
orbits = ~3,020
apogee = 235 km
perigee = 193 km
period = 88.7 minutes
altitude =
inclination = 51.6°
distance =
mass =
crew_photo = Soyuz TMA-1crew.jpg
crew_caption = From left to right: Yuri Lonchakov, Sergei Zalyotin and Frank de Winne
previous = Soyuz TM-34
next = Soyuz TMA-2

Soyuz TMA-1 was a Soyuz mission to the International Space Station (ISS) launched by a Soyuz FG launch vehicle.



*Sergei Zalyotin (2) - RUS
*Frank De Winne (1) - ESA BEL
*Yuri Lonchakov (2) - RUS

=Landed ISS "Expedition 6" crew:=

*"Nikolai Budarin (3)" - RUS
*"Kenneth Bowersox (5)" - USA
*"Donald Pettit (1)" - USA

Mission parameters

*Mass: ? kg
*Perigee: 193 km
*Apogee: 235 km
*Inclination: 51.6°
*Period: 88.7 minutes

Docking with ISS

*Docked to ISS: November 1, 2002, 05:01 UTC (to Pirs module)
*Undocked from ISS: May 3, 2003, 22:43 UTC (from Pirs module)

Mission highlights

The fifth Russian Soyuz class shuttle to fly to the International Space Station. It is also the first flight of the TMA-class Soyuz spacecraft.

In the spring of 2001, a taxi mission to the space station was being scheduled to take place on October 2002. At first the crew was to be Commander Sergei Zalyotin and Flight Engineer Frank De Winne; however, a report released on February 2002 stated that American musician Lance Bass was interested in joining the crew for a one-week mission onboard the Russian spacecraft. The mission began to fall through, and by September 2002 they had discontinued the training of Lance Bass due to the mission organizers' failure to meet the terms of the contract. They filled the vacant seat left by Lance Bass with Russian cosmonaut Yuri Lonchakov.

A technical malfunction caused a steep and off target landing of the spacecraft after a ballistic reentry and descent. The craft landed 300 miles short of the planned area, and the crew was subjected to severe gravitational loads. Communication with the Soyuz was lost because one antenna was ripped off during descent, and two more did not deploy. The crew regained communications through an emergency transmitter after landing. Due to this event, future crews will have a satellite phone at their disposal to establish contact with recovery forces.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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