- Yeshayah Steiner
Grand Rabbi Yeshaya Steiner of Kerestir, (1851 - 1925), was the founder of the Kerestirer Hasidic dynasty.
He was born on
Iyar 3, 1851 in the town ofZbarav ,Hungary . When he was three years old, his father died. At the age of 12, his mother sent him to study with to Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh of Liska, the author of "Ach Pri Tevua". When he died and his son-in-law Rabbi Chaim Friedlander author of "Tal Chaim" succeeded him, Yeshaya started travelling to RabbiChaim Halberstam ofSanz . After the passing of Rabbi Chaim of Sanz, he became a disciple of Rabbi Mordechai of Nadvorna. The Nadvorner Rebbe suggested that he move to the town of Kerestir, in Hungary,In Kerestir he became a famous Hasidic
Rebbe and became known as a miracle worker. In 1925 he was succeeded by his son Avraham.His image is used as an
amulet by Jews who believe that it wards awaymice and offers protection against misfortune.The dynasty continues to this day with his descendants who have strong connections to
Satmar :*Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rubin, Grand Rabbi of Kerestir in
Borough Park, Brooklyn
*Rabbi Yeshaya Gross ofWilliamsburg, Brooklyn
*Rabbi Refael Gross ofMiami Beach, Florida . Also known as Rabbi Armin Grosz who suucessfully defended against a suit brough by the City of Miami Beach prohibiting Rabbi Grosz from condusting services in his home. See references from FindLaw below.ee also
Kerestir (Hasidic dynasty) References
* [http://www.geocities.com/kolemes/guardianpesach2.pdf Rebbe Yeshaya'le of Kerestir]
*cite book|title= שם ושארית Shem uSheirith|author=Levi Grossman|loc=Jerusalem|year=1943
* [http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?navby=search&case=/data2/circs/11th/945114opa.html FindLaw case on religious freedom]
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