Roldán+Berengué, arqts.

Roldán+Berengué, arqts.
Roldán+Berengué, arqts.
Born 13 January 1961(1961-01-13)
Ceuta, Spain
Nationality Spain
Awards ASCER Inner Architecture Award - 2006
FAD Award for Architecture - 2002
Girona's County Architecture Award - 2003
Hispalyt National Award 1999-2001
Practice Roldán+Berengué, arqts.
Buildings m&m houses, Bellaterra, Barcelona
Barcelona Activa Headquarters, Barcelona
Projects Torre Gran Via, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Catalan Institute of Economists Headquarter, Barcelona
Health Care Center in Sant Andreu, Barcelona
Barcelona Activa Headquarters, Barcelona
m&m Houses, Bellaterra, Barcelona

Roldán + Berengué, arqts. is an architecture studio in Barcelona, Spain, founded in 1988 by Jose Miguel Roldán Andrade and Mercé Berengué.

  • Guest Professor at the Abroad Stage Barcelona of the Architecture Program of the Faculty of Environmental Design at Calgary University (Canadà), 1998.
  • Master Landscape Architecture professor, 1991-1998.
  • Coordinator of the Students Exchange for the Energamed and Erasmus programmes, Facoltá d’Architettura del Politecnico di Milano and of Münich Technical University, 1996–97
  • Guest Professor at the Abroad Stage Paris-Nice at Tulane University 1997.
  • Associate Professor of the Urbanism and Distribution of Territory Department at ETSAB: Urbanism I, 1988–1989 and 1992-1994.
  • Professor of the Postgraduate Course Jardineria i Paisatge (Gardening and Landscape) at Barcelona’s Agronomic Engineering School, 1990-1993.
  • Awarded a scholarship by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas as a FPI (Formació Personal Investigador) in the Urbanism and Territory Distribution Department at ETSAB, 1988-1992.


Mercé Berengué

Mercé Berengué (born 14 October 1962, Barcelona, Spain ) is a Spanish architect.

  • Architect ([ETSAB-UPC ETSAB-UPC], 1989) col. 18.524-8
  • Member of the Main Council of the Architects Cooperative “Jordi Capell”. 2002-2004.
  • Member of the thesis court of ETSAB, [
  • Scholarship from the Generalitat for FPI (Scholarship for Researchers’ Training) in the Department of Architectural Projects at ">ETSAB 1989-1993.

Projects under construction

Non-built projects include


  • 2007 - ASCER Ceràmica Tile of Spain Interior Architecture Award - (more info)
  • 2006 - Saloni Award for Interior Architecture - finalist - (more info)
  • 2004 - Best of Europe Award - (more info)
  • 2004 - Catalunya Construcció Awards at technological innovation section - (more info)
  • 2003 - European Contemporary Architecture Awards - (more info)
  • 2003 - Girona Architecture Award
  • 2003 - Project of the month, December issue of Archinews. - (more info)
  • 2003 - FAD Awards of Architecture
  • 2002 - FAD Award for Architecture - (more info)
  • 2001 - VI HISPALYT NATIONAL AWARD - (more info)
  • 1999 - V Hispalyt National Award
  • 1997 - IV Hispalyt National Award


  • 2006 - Via Construcción - (more info)
  • 2006 - Emedos
  • 2006 - Arquitectura Plus - (more info)
  • 2006 - CAT
  • 2006 - Infodomus
  • 2006 - Casas Internacional
  • 2006 - Europaconcorsi Website - (more info)
  • 2006 - Analogías: Vegetal.
  • 2006 - ArcCatMon
  • 2006 - SCA-Argentina
  • 2005 - Quaderns 247 - (more info)
  • 2005 - La casa somiada
  • 2004 - Bucharest Architecture Biennale - (more info)
  • 2004 - Via Construccion - (more info)
  • 2004 - Anuari d'arquitectura iberica - (more info)
  • 2004 - Idees Exhibition
  • 2004 - Via Construcción, 7 - (more info)
  • 2004 - Quaderns, 240
  • 2004 - Magazine La Vanguardia
  • 2004 - o.bjeto
  • 2004 - Architecture+ (Dubai) - (more info)
  • 2004 - Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Aragon - (more info)
  • 2004 - + Casas. Viviendas unifamiliares II - (more info)
  • 2003 - m&m houses - publications - (more info)
  • 2003 - VII Premis d’Arquitectura de les Comarques de Girona, 2003

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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