animal by-products — šalutiniai gyvūniniai produktai statusas Aprobuotas sritis šalutiniai gyvūniniai produktai apibrėžtis Nužudyti ar nugaišę gyvūnai arba jų kūno dalys, maistui skirti, bet pagal paskirtį nenaudojami gyvūniniai produktai, taip pat kiaušialąstės,… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Animal By-Products Regulations — The Animal By Products Regulations (No 1774/2002) (SI 1482/2003) allows for the treatment of some animal by products in composting and biogas plants (anaerobic digesters). The following article describes procedures required to allow solid outputs … Wikipedia
processed animal by-products — perdirbti šalutiniai gyvūniniai produktai statusas Aprobuotas sritis šalutiniai gyvūniniai produktai apibrėžtis Šalutiniai gyvūniniai produktai, kurie buvo perdirbti Europos Sąjungos nustatytais metodais ir būdais. santrumpa( os) PŠGP atitikmenys … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Animal product — Animal product, or animal by product, is a term used to describe material taken from the body of a non human animal. Examples are fat, flesh, blood, milk, eggs, and lesser known products such as isinglass and rennet.[1] The term is generally not… … Wikipedia
Animal trapping — Trap nets used to trap birds (tacuinum sanitatis casanatensis); 14th century. Animal trapping, or simply trapping, is the use of a device to remotely catch an animal. Animals may be trapped for a variety of purposes, including food, wildlife… … Wikipedia
Animal testing — A white Wistar lab rat Description Around 50–100 million vertebrate animals are used in experiments annually. Subjects Animal testing, scien … Wikipedia
Animal worship — (or zoolatry) refers to religious rituals involving animals, especially in pre modern societies, such as the glorification of animal deities, or animal sacrifice. The origins of animal worship have been the subject of many theories. The classical … Wikipedia
Animal traction — refers to the use of draft animals (also draught animals) to provide motive power for vehicles or machinery. It is believed to be the first significant non human source of power.The earliest uses of domestic animals were for meat and direct… … Wikipedia
Animal glue — in granules An animal glue is an adhesive that is created by prolonged boiling of animal connective tissue. These protein colloid glues are formed through hydrolysis of the collagen from skins, bones, tendons, and other tissues, similar to… … Wikipedia
Animal (Kesha album) — Animal Studio album by Kesha Released January 1, 2010 ( … Wikipedia