Air Hogs Stormlauncher

Air Hogs Stormlauncher

The Air Hogs Storm Launcher is an electric-powered all-terrain radio controlled model manufactured and distributed by Air Hogs, a division of Spin Master of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Released in extremely limited numbers in July 2006 with slightly more scheduled for limited release in regular discount retail outlets in August 2006 with widespread distribution in September 2006, the "Hydro-Foam" Storm Launcher resembles a catamaran-hulled hydrofoil with twin forward-facing propellers. Unlike a hydrofoil which would naturally be limited to operation solely on water, the Storm Launcher may be operated as a surface vehicle on pavement, short grass or snow. The model is also capable of aerobatic flight and will launch either from ground or from water.

Since the Storm Launcher is intended for a more widespread audience than would normally be expected of a hobby-grade product, the model comes fully assembled and ready to run less the required 740 mA·h 2S lithium polymer battery and charger.


This toy R/C was based on a model called the Hydro-Foam and used with permission. The original used a single brushless motor, elevons and rudders. It could climb vertically, loop, roll, hover and run on water, grass or hard surfaces. A video of this was [ first published on RC Groups] and caused excitement amongst users, followed by many attempting to make their own from scratch. A [ free plan] of one of these copies was published at It wasn't long before kits started appearing on eBay and more reputable model manufacturers developed their own versions that weren't simple clones. However, the Hydro-Foam was not an easy model to design or fly nor were the free plans a guarantee of success, especially as the design attracted many people who were new to R/C flying and who expected to be able to fly like the model depicted in the video. Many of the copies could not be made to work well and the "Depron" insulation foam recommended for the model's construction could not stand up to repeated crashes. The craze died down over a few months. On, the attempt to improve the design was often swamped by those arguing about the copyright.

In order to properly bring the model to market and to do so to a wide audience, the original designers worked with Air Hogs in the design and production of the Storm Launcher.


*Length: 508 mm (20")
*Width: 394 mm (15.5")
*Height: 165 mm (6.5")
*Operating weight: 270 g (9½ oz)
*Battery: Air Hogs 7.4 V 2S 740 mA·h lithium polymer or equivalent
*Radio: Fully proportional three-channel with "beginner" and "pro" control surface throw rates
*Operating frequency: 27 MHz
*Range: 90 m (300 ft)
*Construction material: EPP composite foam
*Motors: Dual 180-series with puller propellers

External links and references

* [ Air Hogs home page with direct link to Storm Launcher page and video]


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  • Air Hogs — is a well known line of toy airplanes, helicopters, rockets, etc. manufactured by the Spin Master company in Toronto, Canada. There are radio controlled, free flying, and air powered aircraft. Several of these, especially the R/C ones, are… …   Wikipedia

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