La Roue de la Fortune

La Roue de la Fortune

infobox television
show_name = La Roue de la Fortune

caption =
format = Game show
runtime = 30 minutes
creator = Merv Griffin
starring = Christophe Dechavanne and Victoria Silvstedt
country = flag|France
network = TF1 (2006-present)
first_aired = 2006
last_aired = present
preceded_by =
imdb_id =

"La Roue de la Fortune" is the French version of the hugely popular American game show "Wheel of Fortune". It is hosted by Christophe Dechavanne and Victoria Silvstedt, and airs on French television network TF1. This incarnation began in 2006; the first ran in the 1990s. That version was faithful to the original pre-1987 rules (with shopping), and all prizes were cashed in Francs.


The gameplay of La Roue de la Fortune is almost identical to the American version. However, there are some minor differences, which have been carried over into the modern Italian version, "La Ruota Della Fortuna".

*A toss-up puzzle precedes every round, unlike the American version, which begins with two and has a third before the fourth round. The winner of the toss-up puzzle begins the round with500, but can be lost by hitting a Bankrupt (unlike the American version, in which toss-up winnings are guaranteed).
*The largest French Wheel has considerably lower values: the two highest values on the Wheel that can be multiplied are500 and350.
*The Wheel also has some special spaces:
**0: A contestant must provide a correct letter to keep his or her turn, but earns no money for doing so.
**Bankrupt/€10,000/Bankrupt is found in the first two rounds.
**Caverne (Cave): A player who lands on this wedge will have the opportunity to win small prizes, such as electronics, bicycles, etc. They have 15 seconds to select as many prizes from the Cave as possible. However, if the total value of the chosen prizes exceeds a set limit—€2,500 in round two, or2,000 in round threethey lose all the prizes.

The bonus round is exactly like the American version used in Season 25, except that the top prize is100,000. The other prizes are two cars, €5,000, €7,500, €10,000, €15,000, €20,000, and25,000.


Again, the French studio is nearly identical to the American version, with the French puzzleboard exactly like the American one. The only major difference is that the studio audience is directly behind the contestants, unlike the American version, where the video wall stands behind the contestants. There is also a light display around the puzzle board that alternates between red, yellow, and blue, to indicate what player's turn it is.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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