Von Plotho

Von Plotho

The von Plotho family are a German noble family traditionally believed to be of Wendish origin, particularly associated with the Prignitz region in Brandenburg.


The family is documented as early as 946 in a writ of Otto the Great as already in possession of their ancient seat at Burg Plote in Altenplathow, Elb-Havelland in Brandenburg. Their line of recorded continuous descent dates the 12th century, with Hermann I von Plotho.

Their extensive possessions, from the 11th and 12th centuries, centred on the old Prignitz region and included Kyritz, Wusterhausen and Genthin, the territory of Schollene, the castle at Plote (Altenplathow), the "Gaue" of Lietzici, Zemzizi and Drenzile, and the lordship of Parey. They were also closely associated with the Bishops of Magdeburg: Hermann I, whose Romanesque monumental effigy is still to be seen in the church of Altenplathow was a vassal of the bishops and other members of the family were canons of Magdeburg Cathedral. Their vassals included the von Blumenthal family, whom they brought from Blumenthal in the diocese of Magdeburg to Blumenthal in the Prignitz.

In the Middle Ages the family ramified throughout Northern Germany and numerous different branches descend from them - among others, the lines of von Plotho zu Grabow, Räckendorf, Codlewe and Zerben, and of particular note the Flanders branch of von Plotho zu Ingelmunster - many of which survive today. In 1643 Wolfgang Edler von Plotho was raised to the rank of baron by Emperor Ferdinand III for his military services.

Notable von Plothos

*Carl von Plotho
*Ludwig von Plotho
*Elisabeth von Plotho
*Wilfried von Plotho

ee also

*Manfred von Ardenne
*Effi Briest


* [http://vogel-soya.de/Adel/Plotho.htm Von Plotho pedigree 12th-16th centuries]
* [http://www.starkeverlag.de/shopfactory/de/dept_8.html G.A. Starke-Verlag: Von Plotho history description]


Plotho, Erich-Christoph Freiherr von, 2007. "Ritter, Domherren und Obristen: Familienchronik der Edlen Herren und Freiherrn von Plotho". G.A. Starke Verlag: Limburg an der Lahn. ISBN 978-3-7980-0579-2

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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