Renaissance and reformation

Renaissance and reformation

"Renaissance and Reformation" / "Renaissance et Réforme" is a bilingual (English and French), multidisciplinary journal devoted to what is currently called the early modern world (see early modern period). R&R was founded by Natalie Zemon Davis and others in 1964, and is sponsored by the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies (CRRS) at Victoria University in the University of Toronto; the Toronto Renaissance Colloquium, the Pacific Northwest Renaissance Society, and the Canadian Society For Renaissance Studies / Société Canadienne D'Études de la Renaissance.

The journal is published quarterly. Each issue contains four to five scholarly articles as well as book reviews in English and French. The journal welcomes submissions and subscriptions (see links below). The journal has an international editorial advisory board. R&R's current editor is Alan Shepard of the University of Guelph.

External links

* [ Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme]
* [ Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies (CRRS)]

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