

In mathematics, a subset "A" of κω is λ-Suslin if there is a tree "T" on κ × λ such that "A" = p ["T" ] .

By a tree on κ × λ we mean here a subset "T" of the union of κ"i" × λ"i" for all "i" ∈ N (or "i" < ω in set-theoretical notation).

Here, p ["T" ] = { "f" | ∃"g" : ("f","g") ∈ ["T" ] } is the projection of "T",where ["T" ] = { ("f" , "g" ) | ∀"n" ∈ ω : ("f"("n"), "g"("n")) ∈ "T" } is the set of branches through "T".

Since ["T" ] is a closed set for the product topology on κω × λω (where κ and λ are equipped with the discrete topology) (and all closed sets in κω × λω come in this way from some tree on κ × λ), λ-Suslin subsets of κω are projections of closed subsets in κω × λω.

When one talks of Suslin sets without specifying the space, then one usually means Suslin subsets of R, which graph theorists usually take to be the set ωω.

ee also

*Suslin cardinal

External links

* R. Ketchersid, [ The strength of an ω 1 -dense ideal on ω 1 under CH] , 2004.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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