Reagan's In

Reagan's In

Infobox Album
Name = Reagan's In
Type = album
Longtype =
Artist = Wasted Youth

Released = 1981
Recorded =
Genre = Hardcore punk
Length =
Label = ICI Productions
Producer = Clem Fisher/Ian Hover
Reviews = *All Music Rating|4|5 [ link]
Last album =
This album = "Reagan's In" (1981)
Next album = "Get Out of My Yard!" (1986)

"Reagan's In" is the 1981 debut album by the Los Angeles punk band Wasted Youth. The cover art was drawn by Pushead.

Track listing

# "Reagan's In" - 1:03
# "Problem Child" - 2:07
# "Teenage Nark" - 0:53
# "Uni-High Beefrag" - 1:03
# "Born Deprived" - 1:36
# "Fuck Authority" - 1:41
# "You're a Jerk" - 0:54
# "We Were on Heroin" - 1:07
# "Punk for a Day" - 1:37
# "Flush the Bouncers" - 1:15


*Danny Spira - vocals
*Chett Lehrer - guitar
*Jeff Long - bass
*Allen Stiritz - drums

Edited 12/1/07: Pushead's original drawing for the record was of Charles Manson with the swastika on the forehead. It was changed to Reagan without Pushead's consent.

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