going great guns — working very well, going strong We were going great guns till our goalie got hurt. Then they scored … English idioms
(be) going great guns — be going great ˈguns idiom (informal) to be doing sth quickly and successfully • Work is going great guns now. Main entry: ↑greatidiom … Useful english dictionary
be going great guns — to be doing something very successfully and quickly. I know he had a little difficulty at the start of the course but he s going great guns now … New idioms dictionary
great guns — If something or someone is going great guns, they are doing very well … The small dictionary of idiomes
great guns — great′ guns′ adv. inf Informal. extremely well; very successfully: The business is going great guns[/ex] … From formal English to slang
great — great1 W1S1 [greıt] adj comparative greater superlative greatest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(large)¦ 2¦(excellent)¦ 3¦(important)¦ 4¦(generous)¦ 5¦(extremely skilful)¦ 6¦(big)¦ 7¦(doing something a lot)¦ 8 … Dictionary of contemporary English
great — great1 W1S1 [greıt] adj comparative greater superlative greatest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(large)¦ 2¦(excellent)¦ 3¦(important)¦ 4¦(generous)¦ 5¦(extremely skilful)¦ 6¦(big)¦ 7¦(doing something a lot)¦ 8 … Dictionary of contemporary English
great\ guns — I. interj. informal See: great Godfrey or great Scott II. adv. phr. informal 1. Very fast or very hard. Usually used in the phrases blow great guns , go great guns . The wind was blowing great guns, and big waves beat the shore. The men were… … Словарь американских идиом
great guns — {adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. Very fast or very hard. Usually used in the phrases blow great guns , go great guns . * /The wind was blowing great guns, and big waves beat the shore./ * /The men were going great guns to finish the job./ Compare: FAST … Dictionary of American idioms
great guns — {adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. Very fast or very hard. Usually used in the phrases blow great guns , go great guns . * /The wind was blowing great guns, and big waves beat the shore./ * /The men were going great guns to finish the job./ Compare: FAST … Dictionary of American idioms