Ionic atmosphere

Ionic atmosphere

Ionic Atmosphere is a concept employed in the use of the Debye-Hückel equation which explains the conductivity behaviour of electrolytic solutions.

Asymmetry, or Relaxation effect

If an electrical potential is applied to an electrolytic solution, a positive ion will move towards the negative electrode and drag along an entourage of negative ions with it. The more concentrated the solution, the closer these negative ions are to the positive ion and thus the greater the resistance experienced by the positive ion. This influence on the speed of an ion is known as the "Asymmetry effect" because the ionic atmosphere moving around the ion is not symmetrical; the charge density behind is greater than in the front, slowing the motion of the ion.

Electrophoretic effect

This is another factor which slows the motion of ions within a solution. It is the tendency of the applied potential to move the ionic atmosphere itself. This drags the solvent molecules along because of the attractive forces between ions and solvent molecules. As a result, the central ion at the centre of the ionic atmosphere is influenced to move towards the pole opposite its ionic atmosphere. This inclination retards its motion.

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