- Huhtiniemi
Huhtiniemi is a neighborhood in the city of
Lappeenranta in South-EasternFinland . It is located 2 kilometers west of the town center on a cape of the same name, that extends into lakeSaimaa in the North. The campus of theLappeenranta University of Technology is located to the west of Huhtiniemi. The area now containsapartment buildings ,camping grounds andstudent housing of the university.The area housed a
shooting range associated with themilitary barracks in Lappeenranta, until at least the mid 1970s.Secret executions?
According to persistent rumors alive since WW II, the area contains
mass grave s ofdeserter sexecuted by secret and possibly illegalmilitary tribunal s in June 1944 after the SovietFourth strategic offensive .The issue first gained publicity in 1971, when 10 bodies were found during construction work for a water mains.New excavations were started in 2005, and a mass grave with 11 bodies was found in October 2006. The excavations will be ceased until the ground softens at spring 2007.External links
* [http://www.loas.fi/Kiinteasivu.asp?KiinteaSivuID=34&NakymaID=3 LOAS student housing in Huhtiniemi]
* [http://www.hs.fi/english/article/1101978764218 Wartime mass grave of executed deserters could be unearthed in summer at Lappeenranta campsite] ,Helsingin Sanomat 5 March 2005
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