Adam Asnyk

Adam Asnyk

Adam Asnyk (1838-1897), was a Polish poet and dramatist. Born September 11, 1838 in Kalisz to a szlachta family, he was educated for an heir of his family's estate. As such he received education at the Institute of Agriculture and Forestry in Marymont and then the Medical Surgeon School in Warsaw. He continued his studies abroad in Breslau, Paris and Heidelberg. In 1862 he returned to Congress Poland and took part in the January Uprising against Russia. Because of that he had to flee the country and settled in Heidelberg, where in 1866 he received a doctorate of philosophy. Soon afterwards he returned to Poland and settled in the Austrian-held part of the country, initially in Lwów and then in Kraków.

In 1875 he married Zofia nee Kaczorowska and around that time started his career as a journalist. An editor of a Kraków-based "Reforma" daily, in 1884 he was also chosen to the city council of Kraków. Five years later he was elected to the Galician Sejm. Around that time he became one of the most prominent men of culture in partitioned Poland. Among his initiatives was the creation of the Society of Popular Schools and bringing the ashes of Adam Mickiewicz to Poland. He was also among the first members of the Tatra Society. He died August 2, 1897 in Kraków and was buried at the Skałka church.


* "Nad głębiami" ("Over the Depths") (1883-1894)
* "Poezje" ("Poetries") (1869)
* "Poezje" ("Poetries" (1872)
* "Poezje" ("Poetries" (1880)
* "Poezje" ("Poetries" (1894)

External links

* [ Adam Asnyk] at Find-A-Grave

See also

*Positivism in Poland

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