Monotone likelihood ratio property

Monotone likelihood ratio property

Monotone likelihood ratio property is a property of a family of probability distributions described by their probability density functions (PDFs).

A family of density functions { f_ heta (x)}_{ hetain Theta} indexed by a parameter heta taking values in a set Theta is said to have the monotone likelihood ratio (MLR) in a statistic T(X) if for any two parameter values heta_1 < heta_2, the ratio {f_{ heta_2} (x)}/{f_{ heta_1} (x)} is a non-decreasing function of T(X).

Hypothesis Testing

The monotone likelihood ratio property can be used in hypothesis tests, primarily when dealing with composite null hypotheses.

If the family of random variables has the MLRP, a uniformly most powerful test can easily be determined for the hypotheses H_0 : heta heta_0 versus H_1 : heta > heta_0.


Example: Let e ("effort") be an input variable into a stochastic production function, and y be the random variable that represents output. Let f(y | e) be the pdf of y for each e. Then the monotone likelihood ratio property (MLRP) of $f$ is expressed as follows: for any $e_1,e_2,$ the fact that $e_2 > e_1$ implies that the ratio $f(y|e_2)/f(y|e_1)$ is increasing in y.


*cite web
last = Econoterms
first =
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Glossary
work =
publisher = Experimental Economics Center
date = 2006
url =
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accessdate = 2006-10-26

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