

Bosiljevo is a small village and municipality in Karlovac county, Croatia. It is located in the Gorski kotar region, right on the highway crossroads Zagreb-Rijeka-Split. In 2001 there were 1,486 inhabitants, of which 96.57% were Croats.


Bosiljevo consists of 43 villages and hamlets, they are separated into 4 districts: Bosiljevo, Grabrk, Prikuplje and Vodena Draga.

The municipal of Bosiljevo is situated between the rivers Kupa and Dobra. The western border of the river Kupa is at the same time the state border with Slovenia. Towards the south, the municipal of Bosiljevo borders with the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and the town Vrbovsko, on the south-east with the town Ogulin, on the east with the town Generalski Stol and in the north with the municipal Netretić.

The whole area is kars relief with hills Družac (469 meters high) and Privis (461 meters high). Because of the landscape and climate people are mostly occupied with sheep and cattle breeding. People speak local, kajkavian dialect.


The municipality of Bosiljevo was independent from the year 1860 until 1948. It was again incorporated into the independent Republic of Croatia in 1993. The earliest references to Bosiljevo are from documents dating back to the year 1334. Ivan Arhiđakon of Gorice mentions the parish of St. Mavro in Bozilo in the constitution of the Zagreb Archbishop's District.

Cultural and historical monuments like Castle Frankopan (which is in a desolate state), the ruins of the castle Steljnik, old mansions, churches and monasteries give the county it's attraction. Natural beauties of this area like the rivers Kupa and Dobra, the gentle broadleaf forests, rich in mushrooms and chestnuts are also of great value.

Two volunteer fire departments are active in Bosiljevo. The first one was founded in 1934 by Matija Bukovac, and the other one in Grabrk was founded in 1951. Further, there is the cultural club "Frankopan" and the hunting club "Družac". Bosiljevo has a post office, one pub (stand 2006), 2 shops and the Restaurant "Bosiljevo" in Bosanci, on the old road (Rijeka-Zagreb). The most important companies are "Maier-Textil" in Bosiljevo and the saw-mill "Korenić" in Orišje and few other craftsmen. With the new modern roads Bosiljevo and the entire area are opening up for the future.

The Day of the Municipality of Bosiljevo is June 15, on the Day of St. Vid the Martyr.

Notable residents

*Stjepan Korenić, dean and writer 1951
*Ana Katarina Frankopan-Zrinski, Croatian writer
*Fran Krsto Frankopan, nobleman, part of the Zrinski-Frankopan conspiracy
*Josip Laslavić, sculptor 1939

External links

* [] hr icon

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