Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina

Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina

Anglican PortalThe Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina is a diocese in the Episcopal Church. It consists of 27 counties in western North Carolina and its episcopal see is in Asheville, North Carolina.

The diocese contains 65 parishes and over 15,000 members, divided into six deaneries. [Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina Website] Its cathedral is the Cathedral of All Souls in Asheville, located in Biltmore Village. The 5th Diocesan bishop is the Right Reverend G. Porter Taylor, who has served since September 18 2004.

The diocese is a proponent of social justice and has applied to the Episcopal Church for a relationship as a sister diocese of the Anglican Diocese of Durgapur, India from 2007 through 2010. [Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina Website] The diocese is notable for two small mountain parishes that contain frescoes created by Ben Long, an Italian-trained artist: the fresco of the "Last Supper" at Holy Trinity church in Glendale Springs and "Mary Great with Child" and "John the Baptist" at Saint Mary's Episcopal Church in Beaver Creek. In another, much larger parish, St. Paul's Episcopal located in the foothills of Wilkesboro, two recent Long frescoes can be seen. These frescoes depect Paul the Apostle in prison and his conversion of the Damascan Road. They were completed in 2003.

List of parishes

Asheville Deanery

* Cathedral of All Souls [http://www.allsoulscathedral.org]
* Church of the Advocate [http://www.diocesewnc.org/advocateasheville]
* Grace Episcopal Church, Asheville [http://www.graceepiscopalchurch.us]
* Redeemer Episcopal Church, Asheville [http://www.church-of-the-redeemer-episcopal.org]
* Saint George's Episcopal Church, Asheville [http://www.diocesewnc.org/stgeorgesasheville]
* Saint James Episcopal Church, Black Mountain [http://www.stjameswnc.org]
* Saint John's Episcopal Church, Asheville [http://www.st-johnsepiscopal.org]
* Saint Luke's Episcopal Church, Asheville [http://saintlukesepiscopal.com/]
* St. Mary's Episcopal Church (Asheville, North Carolina)
* Saint Matthais Episcopal Church, Asheville [http://www.diocesewnc.org/stmatthiasasheville]
* Trinity Episcopal Church, Asheville [http://www.trinityasheville.org]
* Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit, Mars Hill [http://www.main.nc.us/echs]

Foothills Deanery

* Church of the Ascension, Hickory [http://www.ascensionhickory.org]
* Church of the Epiphany, Hickory [http://www.diocesewnc.org/epiphanynewton]
* Grace Episcopal Church, Morganton [http://www.gracemorganton.org]
* Saint Alban's Episcopal Church, Hickory [http://www.stalbansparish.org]
* Saint James Episcopal Church, Lenoir [http://www.saintjamesepiscopal.org]
* Saint John's Episcopal Church, Marion [http://www.geocities.com/stjohnsmarion]
* Saint Mary's Episcopal Church, Morganton [http://www.diocesewnc.org/saintmarysmorganton]
* Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, Wilkesboro [http://www.stpaulswilkesboro.org]
* Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, Morganton
* Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church, Morganton [http://www.diocesewnc.org/saintstephensmorganton]

Hendersonville Deanery

* Calvary Episcopal Church, Fletcher [http://www.calvaryfletcher.org]
* Church of the Holy Family, Mills River [http://www.ourholyfamily.org]
* Church of the Transfiguration, Saluda [http://www.diocesewnc.org/transfigurationsaluda]
* Episcopal Church of Saint John in the Wilderness, Flat Rock [http://www.stjohnflatrock.org/]
* Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross, Tryon [http://www.holycrosstryon.org]
* Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration Bat Cave [http://webpages.charter.net/cscherping/church]
* Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Tryon [http://www.goodshepherdtryon.org]
* La Capilla De Santa Maria, Hendersonville
* Saint James Episcopal Church, Hendersonville [http://www.stjamesepiscopal.com]
* Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, Edneyville

Mountain Deanery

* Christ Church, Sparta [http://www.christchurchalleghany.org]
* Church of the Holy Cross, Valle Crucis [http://www.highsouth.com/vallecrucis/holycross.php3]
* Church of Our Savior, Newland [http://www.diocesewnc.org/churchofsaviornewland]
* Holy Communion Episcopal Parish, Ashe County, Glendale Springs and West Jefferson
* Saint Luke's Episcopal Church, Boone [http://www.stlukesboone.org]
* Saint Mary of the Hills Episcopal Church, Blowing Rock [http://www.stmaryofthehills.org]
* Saint Thomas Episcopal Church, Burnsville [http://www.stthomasonline.org]
* Trinity Episcopal Church, Spruce Pine [http://www.trinitysprucepine.org]

Piedmont Deanery

* All Saints Episcopal Church, Gastonia [http://www.allsaintsgastonia.org]
* Church of the Redeemer, Shelby [http://www.diocesewnc.org/redeemershelby]
* Episcopal Church of Saint Peter by the Lake, Denver [http://www.saintpeterbythelake.net]
* Episcopal Church of Our Savior, Lincolnton
* Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, Bessemer City
* Saint Francis Episcopal Church, Rutherfordton [http://www.stfrancischurch.org]
* Saint Gabriel's Episcopal Church, Rutherfordton [http://www.diocesewnc.org/stgabrielsrutherfordton]
* Saint Luke's Episcopal Church, Lincolnton [http://www.episcopallincolntonnc.org]
* Saint Mark's Episcopal Church, Gastonia [http://www.stmarksgastonia.org]

Western Deanery

* Church of the Good Shepherd (Cashiers, North Carolina)
* Church of the Incarnation (Highlands, North Carolina)
* Church of the Messiah, Murphy [http://www.messiahmurphy.org]
* Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Hayesville [http://www.churchofthegoodshepherdhayesville.org]
* Grace Church in the Mountains, Waynesville [http://www.gracewaynesville.com]
* Grace Mountainside Church, Robbinsville [http://www.Luther95.com/GMLEF-RNC]
* Saint Agnes Episcopal Church, Franklin [http://www.diocesewnc.org/allsaints]
* Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, Canton [http://www.standrewscanton.org]
* Saint Cyprian's Episcopal Church, Franklin [http://www.diocesewnc.org/allsaints]
* Saint David's Episcopal Church, Cullowhee [http://www.st-davids.org]
* Saint Francis Episcopal Church, Cherokee, NC/Cullowhee
* Saint John's Episcopal Church, Sylva
* Saint John's Episcopal Church - Cartoogechaye, Franklin [http://www.stjohnepiscopal.org]


[http://www.diocesewnc.org Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina Official Website]

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