

Infobox Saint
name=Saint Fulrad
death_date=death date|784|7|16|mf=y
feast_day=July 16

caption=A statue of Fulrad at Lièpvre
birth_place=St. Pilt, Alsace, France

Saint Fulrad (French: Fulrade) (710July 16, 784) was abbot of St. Denis Abbey (from 750). He was born at St. Pilt, Alsace. He served as a counselor to three Frankish rulers: Pepin, Carloman, and Charlemagne. He also served as court chaplain, grand-almoner, and ambassador.

In 750, Fulrad, along with St. Burchard, was instrumental in securing Pope Zachary's approval for the accession of Pepin as king of the Franks (Pepin's title had been "mayor of the palace").

Another important process of which Fulrad was an integral part was the turning over of the Exarchate of Ravenna to the Holy See in 756, which he negotiated. He also made the Frankish kings supporters of Rome rather than Constantinople.

He founded monasteries at Lièpvre, St. Pilt, and Salonnes (near Château-Salins).

Fulrad brought the relics of Saint Vitalis to Esslingen am Neckar, making it a destination for pilgrimage. He also brought the relics of Saint Vitus and Saint Cucuphas to St. Denis. The relics of Cucuphas occupy a place of honor in the apse to the right of St. Denis to this day.

His feast day is celebrated on July 16.

External links

* [http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=3490 St. Fulrad]
* [http://www.saintpatrickdc.org/ss/0716.htm Saints of July 16: Fulrad]
*de icon [http://www.heiligenlexikon.de/BiographienF/Fulrad_von_St-Denis.html Fulrad von St-Denis]

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