Mátra — Kékestető (1014 m) Mátra … Wikipedia
Geography of Hungary — Satellite image showing the seven main geographical regions of Hungary (in parenthesis: major region): 1., Great Alföld (Great Alföld) 2., North Hungarian Mountains (North Hungarian Mountains) 3., Transdanubian Mountains (Transdanubia) 4.,… … Wikipedia
Great Hungarian Plain — For the Great Plains region in the United States, see Great Plains. The Great Hungarian Plain (also known as Alföld or Great Alföld, Hungarian: Alföld, Nagy Alföld)[1][2] is a plain occupying the southern and eastern part of Hungary, some parts… … Wikipedia
Little Hungarian Plain — Landscape in Györ Moson Sopron Location Eastern Austria, Western Hungary, South western Slovakia Territory 8,000 km² … Wikipedia
Transdanubia — Hills near Ibafa, with Mecsek Mountains in the distant background Location Győr Moson Sopron, Komárom Esztergom, Fejér, Veszprém … Wikipedia
Nagykunság — Greater Cumania in the 18th century within the Kingdom of Hungary Nagykunság (English: Greater Cumania; 1,196 km²) is a historical and geographical region in Hungary situated in the current Jász Nagykun Szolnok county between Szolnok and Debrecen … Wikipedia
Mecsek — Some mountains viewed from Máré Castle, near Magyaregregy. Location Baranya and Tolna counties, Hungary Territory 500 km² … Wikipedia
Cserhát — Mountains near the ethnographic village of Hollókő Cserhát ([ˈtʃɛrhaːt]) is a mountain range in Hungary, part of the North Hungarian Mountains, divided between Pest and Nógrád counties. Its highest point is the Naszály with an elevation of 654… … Wikipedia
Grottes du karst d'Aggtelek et du karst de Slovaquie — Grottes du karst d Aggtelek et du karst de Slovaquie * … Wikipédia en Français
Lac de Neusiedl — Administration Pays … Wikipédia en Français