Land of Uz

Land of Uz

The Land of Uz is a place mentioned in the Old Testament, most prominently in the Book of Job, which begins, "There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job." [Job 1:1]


The name may refer to one of the three men named Uz who are mentioned in the Bible. [Gen. 36:28; Gen. 22:21; Gen. 10:23]

The word may also be related etymologically to the word "oz", meaning 'east'. In the Book of Job (1:3), Job is described as "the greatest of all the people of the East."


Uz is sometimes identified with the kingdom of Edom, roughly in the area of modern-day southwestern Jordan and southern Israel. [ [ "The Land of Uz"] WebBible Encyclopdia] Lamentations 4:21 reads, "Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom, that dwellest in the land of Uz." [ls. 4:21]

Other locations proposed for Uz include Bashan in modern-day southern Syria/western Jordan, Arabia east of Petra, [ [ "Where Was Uz?"] by Wayne Blank, Daily Bible Study] or even modern-day Uzbekistan. [ [ "Uzbekistan Is Book of Job Land of Uz Where Ice Age Climate Explains the Environment Described"] by James I. Nienhuis, "Dancing from Genesis"]

However, some scholars caution against the idea that Uz refers to a specific real-world location. Writes Thomas G. Long of Princeton Theological Seminary:

:Efforts to locate Uz on the map are vain, for this is not a historical chronicle. The narrative effect of the opening lines, like the opening credits of the movie "Star Wars", is to say this is a story which happened "long ago and far away". [ [ "Job: Second Thoughts in the Land of Uz"] by Thomas G. Long, "Theology Today", Vol. 45 No. 1 (April 1988)]


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