USS Flasher (SSN-613)

USS Flasher (SSN-613)

USS "Flasher" (SSN-613), a "Permit"-class submarine, was the second ship of the United States Navy to be named for the flasher, a member of the "Lobotidae" family of fishes, which have an unusual placement of the second dorsal and anal fins, posteriorly on the body, close to the tail.

The contract to build her was awarded to the Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics Corporation in Groton, Connecticut on 9 June 1960 and her keel was laid down on 14 April 1961.

In the nation's only simultaneous twin launching "Flasher" and the USS Tecumseh were launched on 22 June 1963. "Flasher" was sponsored and christened by Mrs. Paul F. Fay, Jr., wife of the Under Secretary of the Navy. VADM Elton W. Grenfell, then Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, delivered the principal address. She was commissioned on 22 July 1966, with Commander Kenneth M. Carr in command. The principal speaker at the commissioning was US Representative George W. Grider of Tennessee, who had commanded the USS Flasher (SS 249) in World War II.

Originally laid down as the eleventh submarine in the Thresher-class building program, "Flasher" was extensively modified during the construction period. These modifications consisted of lengthening the hull, lengthening the sail, and upgrading the watertight integrity of the sea water systems. The SUBSAFE Program was developed as a result of the loss of the USS Thresher, the first submarine of the class; "Flasher" became the first submarine certified as SUBSAFE. This contributed to the lengthy delay between being laid down and commissioning.

"Flasher" was highly decorated, receiving 5 Battle "E"s, 4 Meritorious Unit Commendations, a Navy Unit Commendation, and a Presidential Unit Citation during her 25 year career.

Commanding Officers

* CDR K.M. Carr - 1966-1967
* CDR A.C. Johnson - 1967-1969
* CDR E.F. Cobb - 1969-1972
* CDR R.F. Bacon - 1972-1975
* CDR N.B. Henderson - 1975-1976
* CDR W.C Rothert - 1976-1979
* CDR W.C. Hughes, Jr. - 1979-1982
* CDR R.R. Morris - 1982-1986
* CDR P.W. Papineau - 1986-1989
* CDR J.N. Weber - 1989-1992

Kenneth Carr became Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 1989. Vice Admiral Roger Bacon completed his naval career as the Assistant Chief of Naval Operations for Undersea Warfare.

History Highlights

"Flasher" was decommissioned on 26 May 1992 and stricken from the Naval Vessel Register on 14 September 1992. Ex-"Flasher" entered the Nuclear Powered Ship and Submarine Recycling Program in Bremerton, Washington, and on 11 May 1994 ceased to exist as a hull.

Ship Insignia

The insignia of the "Flasher" was adapted from the insignia of the original Flasher (SS 249). The SS 249 was commissioned on 25 September 1943. Her insignia was designed by Walt Disney. During the final days of construction on the SSN 613, the crew developed several designs based on the original. The two ships' numbers were added and the electron orbits added to symbolize nuclear power. The insignia became official in 1965.

External links

* [ USS "Flasher"]


The article includes text from the Inactivation Program for the USS Flasher (18 June 1991).

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