- Nu Sigma Beta
Nu Sigma Beta NΣBFounded 1937
University of Puerto RicoType Social Scope Puerto Rico
United States
Dominican Republic
Nickname la Nu Sigma Headquarters San Juan, PR, Puerto Rico Homepage http://www.nusigmabeta.net/ Nu Sigma Beta Fraternity (NΣB) is a non-profit Puerto Rican fraternity. It was established in 1937 at the University of Puerto Rico by several young students from diverse backgrounds.
Among the founding members were: Carlos M. Vidal, Jafet Ramirez Ledesma, Jose Antonio Luiña, Jose Enrique Del Valle, Juan Pedrosa, Luis A. Berrios, Pedro Urbiztondo, Pedro A. Mattei, Ruben Gaztambide, Baltasar Quinones Elias, Edwin Cortes Garcia, and others.
These members came together on the Rio Piedras Campus and decided to form their own social fraternity based on the principles of appreciation, respect, and tolerance, among other qualities. Believing this they established a non-profit organization with the goal of developing helpful community-oriented citizens, promoting sincere friendship and a sense of brotherhood. Nu Sigma Beta was established with a written constitution.
Shortly after it was established they had their first initiation ceremony. At this ceremony another 7 students became members. The fraternity was quickly expanding and growing in numbers. In 1939 the fraternity opened its second chapter at the UPR-Mayaguez formerly known as CAAM.[1] This chapter became known as the Beta Chapter and the San Juan Chapter became the Alpha. The Fraternity has continued to grow and has expanded to almost all universities within Puerto Rico and beyond.[citation needed] Today almost 70 years after its founding, there have been and/or are chapters in the Dominican Republic and the United States. The fraternity is in the process of opening chapters in places such as Cornell University and others. Recently the fraternity is organizing the reopening of the Nu chapter at the Universidad Central del Este at San Pedro de Macorís There are also chapters in the University of Puerto Rico at Humacao[2] and at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico.[3]
The fraternity's need to be organized at a central level, due to its expanding nature, led it to be divided into Zones and Chapters. Those still in college are inducted into chapters, while those who are not in college are inducted into zones. Chapter member are transferred into zones upon completing their studies. The Fraternity is governed by a Presiding or Executive committee, composed primarily of the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, General Secretary, and General Treasurer. It also has a separate body acting as the legislative and judicial branch, simultaneously. The Supreme Council is presided by the Executive Secretary. The governing bodies can only take action based on the rules of the fraternity, but the executive decision relies in the General Assembly, which is composed of zone and chapter delegates. The Constitution may only be amended in General Assembly.
The fraternity is dedicated to the creation of outstanding citizens in their community. As a result, the fraternity has many community based programs. Such as drug prevention campaigns, charity sports tournaments, as well as blood drives for local hospitals and the American Red Cross. Nu Sigmas are active in the community participating in environmental campaigns like SCUBA Dogs helping clean up our beaches. Nu Sigma Beta also celebrates an annual golf tournament benefiting Instituto Santa Ana y el Colegio Caliope.[4] Other organizations include, but aren't limited to, Ronald McDonald House,Hogar Niñito Jesus, United Way, Salvation Army, among others.
On May 8, 2010 the Delta Chapter celebrated a Basketball Tournament to donate money to Go-GOGO Foundation which bring help to children with cancer.[5]
This fraternity has many well known and respected members such as; Former mayor of Ponce Rafael 'Churumba' Cordero (R.I.P.), Ruben Gaztambide Arrillaga member of the Constitutional Convention of Puerto Rico and former Senator Luis Alfredo Colon Velanuez[6] and others.
- ^ "uprm.edu" (in Spanish). http://www.uprm.edu/decestu/ActSocCult/documentos/listado_orgest.pdf. Retrieved 2010-06-22.
- ^ "universia" (in Spanish). http://universitarios.universia.pr/asociaciones-representatividad/asociaciones-estudiantes-universitarios/asociaciones-estudiantes-universitarios.html. Retrieved 2010-06-22.
- ^ "PUCPR" (in Spanish). http://www.pucpr.edu/catalogo-graduado/info-general/infogeneral.htm. Retrieved 2010-06-22.
- ^ "Green Area" (in Spanish). http://www.holeinonegn.com/index.php/templates/templates/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=44&Itemid=76. Retrieved 2010-06-22.
- ^ pacheco, carlos (10 Mayo 2010). "Fraternidades unidas por Cancer Pediatrico" (in Spanish). El Nuevo Dia. http://www.elnuevodia.com/fraternidadesunidasporcancerpediatrico-701756.html. Retrieved 2010-06-22.
- ^ "tareaescolar" (in Spanish). http://www.tareaescolar.net/tareaescolar/temas%20varios/MOCANOS%20DISTINGUIDOS.htm. Retrieved 2010-06-22.[dead link]
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