Ion Mihai Pacepa

Ion Mihai Pacepa

Infobox Person
name = Ion Mihai Pacepa

caption = Ion Mihai Pacepa
birth_date = birth date and age|1928|10|28
birth_place = Bucharest, Romania
death_date =
death_place =
other_names =
known_for = Securitate general, defector
occupation = Writer, columnist

Ion Mihai Pacepa (born 28 October 1928 in Bucharest, Romania) is the highest-ranking intelligence official ever to have defected from the former Eastern Bloc. He is now a United States citizen, a writer, and a columnist.

In July 1978, Pacepa was a two-star Romanian Securitate general who simultaneously held the rank of advisor to President Nicolae Ceauşescu, acting chief of his foreign intelligence service and state secretary in Romanias Ministry of Interior. He defected to the United States following President Jimmy Carter's approval of his request for political asylum.


Pacepa studied industrial chemistry at the University Politehnica of Bucharest, but just months before graduation he was drafted by the Securitate, and got his engineering degree only four years later. Between 1957 and 1960 he served as chief of the Romanian intelligence station in West Germany, and, between 1972 and 1978, he was Ceauşescu's adviser for national security and technological development and the deputy chief of the Romanian foreign intelligence service.

Pacepa defected in July 1978 by walking into the American Embassy in Bonn, where he had been sent by Ceauşescu with a message to Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. He was secretly flown to Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, D.C., in a United States military airplane.

In September 1978, Pacepa received two death sentences from Communist Romania, and Ceauşescu placed a bounty of two million US dollars on his head. Yasser Arafat and Muammar al-Gaddafi set one more million dollars reward each. ["Book Inspired Counter-Revolution" by Alfred Regnery, published in "Human Events", October 22, 2002] In the 1980s, Romanias political police tasked Carlos the Jackal to assassinate Pacepa in America in exchange for one million dollars. ["The Securitate Arsenal for Carlos," "Ziua", Bucharest, 2004] Carlos was unable to find Pacepa, but on February 21, 1980, he blew up a part of Radio Free Europe's headquarters in Munich, which was broadcasting news on Pacepa's defection.

On July 7, 1999, Romanias Supreme Court Decision No. 41/1999 cancelled Pacepas death sentences, restored his military rank and ordered that his properties, confiscated on Ceauşescu's orders, be returned to him. Romania's government refused to comply. This ignited a series of Western articles alleging that Romania was still not a country of laws. In December 2004, the government of Romania quietly restored Pacepas rank of general.

Writings and political views

Pacepa occasionally writes articles for "The Wall Street Journal" and various American conservative publications, such as "National Review Online", "The Washington Times", and the online newspaper "FrontPage Magazine".

"Red Horizons"

In 1987, Pacepa published a book, "Red Horizons: Chronicles of a Communist Spy Chief", which was serialized on Radio Free Europe, arousing "huge interest among Romanians". On December 25, 1989, during the closing stages of the Romanian Revolution, Ceauşescu and his wife, Elena, were sentenced to death at the end of a trial where most of the accusations had come word-for-word out of "Red Horizons". [ "The Kremlin's Killing Ways"] , by Ion Mihai Pacepa, National Review Online, November 28, 2006]

The next day, the book began being serialized in the new official Romanian newspaper "Adevărul", which wrote that the book had "played an incontestable role in overthrowing Ceauşescu" (according to the text on the back cover of the books second edition, published in 1990). "Red Horizons" was subsequently republished in 27 countries, and is still in print.

In 1993, Pacepa published "The Kremlin's Legacy", in which he tried to wean his native country away from its continued dependency on a Communist-style police state. In 1999, he authored the trilogy "The Black Book of the Securitate", which has become a bestseller in Romania. [ "Romanias Rebirth"] , National Review Online, July 27, 2006]

Alleged assassinations by the KGB

In a 2006 article, Pacepa describes a conversation he had with Nicolae Ceauşescu, who told him about "ten international leaders the Kremlin killed or tried to kill": Laszlo Rajk and Imre Nagy from Hungary; Lucreţiu Pătrăşcanu and Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej from Romania; Rudolf Slansky and Jan Masaryk from Czechoslovakia; the Shah of Iran; Palmiro Togliatti from Italy; US President John F. Kennedy; and Mao Zedong. Pacepa provides some additional details, such as a plot to kill Mao Zedong with the help of Lin Biao organized by the KGB. [ "The Kremlin's Killing Ways"] , by Ion Mihai Pacepa, National Review Online, November 28, 2006]

Pacepa said that "among the leaders of Moscow's satellite intelligence services there was unanimous agreement that the KGB had been involved in the assassination of President Kennedy", and that KGB fingerprints are all over Lee Harvey Oswald and his killer Jack Ruby. [ [ Programmed to Kill] , FrontPage Magazine October 03, 2007] Pacepa has since had a book published on the topic in which he asserts that Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev ordered Kennedy's assassination. Khrushchev is said to have annulled the plan, but Soviet agents were unable to reach Oswald before he could execute his orders. According to author Joseph Goulden in The Washington Times, Pacepa's belated account "rests rather flimsily on circumstantial evidence and supposition." [ [ The art of conspiracy theory] The Washington Times November 11, 2007]

oviet campaign against the Vatican

In a 2007 article, he recalls how "In my other life, when I was at the center of Moscow's foreign-intelligence wars, I myself was caught up in a deliberate Kremlin effort to smear the Vatican, by portraying Pope Pius XII as a coldhearted Nazi sympathizer." [ [ "Moscow's Assault on the Vatican"] , National Review Online, January 25, 2007]

Iraq & WMD

Ion Mihai Pacepa has supported United States military action against Iraq. In opposition, large anti-war demonstrations were held in cities across the world. Pacepa contends that these protests were contrived and "anti-American", in which Moscow had a supporting hand. [ [ Spontaneous anti-American demonstrations? Think again] National Review Online March 18, 2003]

Subsequently, the Iraq Survey Group did not find any significant holdings of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that were present in the country decades earlier. It issued its findings in the Duelfer report in September 2004. It is "perfectly obvious", wrote Pacepa in October 2003, that the Russian GRU agency helped Saddam Hussein to destroy, hide, or transfer his chemical weapons prior to the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. [ Ex-spy fingers Russians on WMD] , The Washington Times, October 2, 2003] To this end, he claims that an operation for the removal of chemical weapons ("Operation Sarindar") was prepared by the Soviet Union for Libya, and that such a plan existed and was implemented in Iraq. Similar charges have been made by former Deputy Undersecretary of US Department of Defense John A. Shaw, by director of Research of the International Strategic Studies Association Yossef Bodansky, and by Fox News military analyst retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney. [ [ Ex-Official: Russia Moved Saddam's WMD] NewsMax 19 February 2006] [ [ Iraq: 'Mission impossible'] Pittsburgh Tribune-Review June 26, 2004]

Published books

* "Red Horizons: Chronicles of a Communist Spy Chief", 1987. ISBN 0-89526-570-2
* "Red Horizons: the 2nd Book. The True Story of Nicolae and Elena Ceauşescu's Crimes, Lifestyle, and Corruption", 1990. ISBN 0-89526-746-2
* "The Kremlin Legacy, 1993
* "Cartea neagră a Securităţii", Editura Omega, Bucharest, 1999. ISBN 9-73987-454-1
* "Programmed to Kill: Lee Harvey Oswald, the Soviet KGB, and the Kennedy Assassination", 2007. ISBN 1-56663-769-1

Selected articles

* " [ The KGBs Man] ", 2003
* " [ Khaddafi's "Conversion"] ", 2003
* " [ Ex-spy fingers Russians on WMD] ", 2003
* " [ From Russia With Terror] ", March 1, 2004
* " [ No Peter the Great] ", September 20, 2004
* " [ Putin's Duality] ", August 5, 2005
*" [ Left-Wing Monster: Ceausescu] ", February 10, 2006
*" [ Who Is Raúl Castro? A tyrant only a brother could love.] ", August 10, 2006
*" [ Russian Footprints] ", August 24, 2006
*" [ Tyrants and the Bomb] ", October 17, 2006
*" [ The Kremlins Killing Ways] ", November 28, 2006
*" [ Propaganda Redux ] ", August 7, 2007
*" [ Programmed to Kill: Lee Harvey Oswald, the Soviet KGB, and the Kennedy Assassination.] ", October 03, 2007

ee also

*Active measures
*Kennedy assassination theories
*WMD theories in the aftermath of the 2003 Iraq War


External links

* [ Ion Mihai Pacepa] at FrontPage Magazine
* [ Ion Mihai Pacepa] at National Review Online
* [ Ion Mihai Pacepa] at OpinionJournal

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