- Wilfrid Michael Voynich
Wilfrid Michael Voynich (
31 October 1865 Деятели революционного движения в России: Био-библиографический словарь: От предшественников декабристов до падения царизма: [В 5 т.] . - М.: Изд-во Всесоюзного общества политических каторжан и ссыльно-поселенцев, 1927-1934. [http://slovari.yandex.ru/dict/revoluc/article/re7/re7-1707.htm Entry on Voynich] ] –19 March 1930 ), born Michał Habdank-Wojnicz, was a Polish revolutionary, British and American antiquarian andbibliophile , and theeponym of theVoynich manuscript .Biography
Michał Wojnicz was born in Telshi, a town in then
Kovno Governorate , which was part of theRussian Empire , now it is Telšiai, a town inLithuania — into a Polish-Lithuanian noble family, he is a son of a titular counsellor.In 1885, in
Warsaw , Wojnicz joinedLudwik Waryński 's revolutionary organization, "Proletarjat ". In 1886, after a failed attempt to free from theWarsaw Citadel fellow-conspirators who had been sentenced to death, he was arrested byTsarist police and, in 1887, sent to penal servitude atTunka .In 1890 he escaped from
Siberia and arrived inLondon , adopting as his first name his "nom de guerre ", Wilfryd. In 1893 he married a fellow-revolutionary, Ethel Lilian Boole, daughter of the famous British mathematician,George Boole .After the 1895 death of their associate,
Stepniak , the Voyniches (as they hadanglicize d theirsurname ) ceased revolutionary activity. In 1898 Voynich opened a bookshop in London, followed by another in 1914 in New York.Voynich died in New York in 1930.
Voynich Manuscript
The most famous of Voynich's possessions was a mysterious medieval
manuscript which he had acquired in 1912 at theVilla Mondragone inItaly . It is written in an unknown script which several famous linguists andcryptologist s have been unable todecrypt since the manuscript's first public presentation in 1915.References
* Rafał T. Prinke, [http://main2.amu.edu.pl/~rafalp/WWW/HERM/VMS/biografie-old.html Biographical information on E. L. Voynich and W. M. Voynich]
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