Version space

Version space

A version space in concept learning or induction is the subset of all hypotheses that are consistent with the observed training examples (Mitchell 1997). This set contains all hypotheses that have not been eliminated as a result of being in conflict with observed data.

The Version Space algorithm

In settings where there is a generality-ordering on hypotheses, it is possible to represent the version space by two sets of hypotheses: (1) the most specific consistent hypotheses, and (2) the most general consistent hypotheses, where "consistent" indicates agreement with observed data. The most specific hypotheses (i.e., the specific boundary SB) are the hypotheses that cover the observed positive training examples, and as little of the remaining feature space as possible. These are hypotheses which if reduced any further would "exclude" a "positive" training example, and hence become inconsistent. These minimal hypotheses essentially constitute a (pessimistic) claim that the true concept is defined just by the "positive" data already observed: Thus, if a novel (never-before-seen) data point is observed, it should be assumed to be negative. (I.e., if data has not previously been ruled in, then it's ruled out.)

The most general hypotheses (i.e., the general boundary GB) are those which cover the observed positive training examples, but also cover as much of the remaining feature space without including any negative training examples. These are hypotheses which if enlarged any further would "include" a "negative" training example, and hence become inconsistent. These maximal hypotheses essentially constitute a (optimistic) claim that the true concept is defined just by the "negative" data already observed: Thus, if a novel (never-before-seen) data point is observed, it should be assumed to be positive. (I.e., if data has not previously been ruled out, then it's ruled in.)

Thus, during the learning process, the version space (which itself is a setpossibly infinitecontaining "all" consistent hypotheses) can be represented by just its lower and upper bounds (maximally general and maximally specific hypothesis sets), and learning operations can be performed just on these representative sets.

Historical background

The notion of Version Spaces was introduced by Mitchell as a framework for understanding the basic problem of supervised learning within the context of "solution search". Although the basic "candidate elimination" search method that accompanies the Version Space framework is "not" a popular learning algorithm (for various reasons, including the issue of noise (Russell & Norvig 2002)), there "are" some practical implementations that have been developed (e.g., Sverdlik & Reynolds 1992, Hong & Tsang 1997, Dubois & Quafafou 2002).

ee also

*Rough set. [The rough set framework focuses on the case where ambiguity is introduced by an impoverished feature set. That is, the target concept cannot be decisively described because the available feature set fails to disambiguate objects belonging to different categories. The version space framework focuses on the (classical induction) case where the ambiguity is introduced by an impoverished data set. That is, the target concept cannot be decisively described because the available data fails to uniquely pick out a hypothesis. Naturally, both types of ambiguity can occur in the same learning problem.]
* provides an interesting discussion of the general problem of induction.
* Mill (1843/2002) is the classic source on inductive logic.


*cite conference
first = Vincent
last = Dubois
coauthors = Quafafou, Mohamed
title = Concept learning with approximation: Rough version spaces
booktitle = Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing: Proceedings of the Third International Conference, RSCTC 2002
pages = 239246
date = 2002
location = Malvern, Pennsylvania

*cite journal
last = Hong
first = Tzung-Pai
coauthors = Shian-Shyong Tsang
title = A generalized version space learning algorithm for noisy and uncertain data
journal = IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
volume = 9
issue = 2
pages = 336340
date = 1997
doi = 10.1109/69.591457

*cite book
last = Mill
first = John Stuart
title = A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive: Being a Connected View of the Principles of Evidence and the Methods of Scientific Investigation
publisher = University Press of the Pacific
date = 1843/2002
location = Honolulu, HI

*cite book
last = Mitchell
first = Tom M.
title = Machine Learning
publisher = McGraw-Hill
date = 1997
location = Boston

*cite journal
last = Rendell
first = Larry
title = A general framework for induction and a study of selective induction
journal = Machine Learning
volume = 1
pages = 177226
date = 1986
doi = 10.1007/BF00114117

*Russell Norvig 2003
*cite conference
first = W.
last = Sverdlik
coauthors = Reynolds, R.G.
title = Dynamic version spaces in machine learning
booktitle = Proceedings, Fourth International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (TAI '92)
pages = 308 - 315
date = 1992
location = Arlington, VA

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