Former members of the Polisario Front

Former members of the Polisario Front

Since the end of the 1980's, several members of Polisario have decided to discontinue their military or political activities for the Polisario Front. Most of them returned from Algeria to Morocco, among them top leaders, founder members, and senior officials. Some of them are now actively promoting Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara, which Morocco considers its Southern Provinces. Their individual reasons to stop working for Polisario, as reported in the media, vary, but include allegations of human rights violations, monopolization and abuse of power, blackmailing and sequestering the refugee population in Tindouf, and squandering foreign aid. They also claim Polisario is controlled by the government of Algeria and as one former member of Polisario put it, " [was] a group of Moroccan students who were urging the Spanish colonizer to leave and who had never claimed independence or the separation from motherland Morocco." [ [ (Mustapha Barazani)] The polisario was born in Rabat, not in the Sahara (d.d. 25 October, 2003)
* [ Entretien avec Mustapha Barazani, ex-dirigeant du Polisario] fr icon
* [ (Bachir Mustapha Sayed) Top Polisario figure defects separatists, joins Mauritania]
* [ Report: Clan wars and unavoidable scission in Tindouf]
* [ Communiqué de Presse CPSD/108] fr icon

The following is a list of some former, most senior, members of Polisario. It is not exhaustive.

*Omar Hadrami Mohamed Ali - responsible of the military security of Polisario [ [ Polisario : Camouflets en série (5-7-2005)] fr icon] , a relative of the late Ma al-'Aynayn
*Lebnaha Attaya - Close to Prime Minister of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Mahfoud Ali Beiba [ [ Outpouring of grief in Tindouf compels Polisario to circulate release hailing late Hassan II's qualities (7-30-1999)] ]
*Ghaoutah Mohamed Ahmed Baba - census official [ [ Détournement des aides humanitaires par le Polisario] 2000]
*Mustapha El Barazanifounder member and representative at the Organisation of African Unity [ [ Gajmoula Ebbi raconte son aventure avec le Polisario, ses rêves, son calvaire et ses attentes] (13 november 2006) fr icon]
*Mustapha Bouh - Political Commissar for Sahrawi Popular Army of Liberation. [ [ Mustapha Bouh, ex-membre du Bureau politique : «L¹histoire du «Polisario» est jalonnée de purges impitoyables»] 13 november 2006 fr icon]
*Bachir Dkhill - Founding member of the Polisario, representative of the organization in several countries and organizations. [ [ QUATRIEME COMMISSION: LE MAROC RESTE ATTACHE AU PLAN DE REGLEMENT ET A LA TENUE D'UN REFERENDUM TRANSPARENT AU SAHARA OCCIDENTAL 10 October 1996 fr icon]
*Guajmoula Bent Ebbi - member of the Politburo, and today Moroccan MP. [ [ Gajmoula Ebbi raconte son aventure avec le Polisario, ses rêves, son calvaire et ses attentes] (10-16-2006) fr icon]
*Sidati Mohamed Abdellahi alias Sidati El Ghallaoui - representative of the Polisario in Italy and Malta. [ [ Chronologie des Principaux Faits (5 november 2005) fr icon]
*Omar Hadramifounding member of the Front and member of the Politburo. [ [ Deportation of Sahrawi children to Cuba by 'Polisario' denounced] (3-30-2005) fr icon]
*Mohamed Abdelkader Ould Mohamed Oul Habiboullah Ould Haibelti - Held several top positions before heading the Sahrawi Republic-radio [ [ Report: Clan wars and unavoidable scission in Tindouf, defectors] (11-5-99)] [ [ Un des plus grands magistrats du "Polisario" regagne le Maroc, affirme un hebdomadaire mauritanien (24 November 1999)]
*Brahim Hakim - Former foreign minister of the RASD and representative of the Polisario in North America. [ [ ] Outpouring of grief in Tindouf compels Polisario to circulate release hailing late Hassan II's qualities (7-30-1999)] [ [ ] Polisario : Camouflets en série ]
*Maâlainine Mohamed Khaled - Polisario observer at MINURSO in Mauritania (5-7-2005) [ [ ] Maâlainine Mohamed Khaled, observateur du "polisario" en Mauritanie: "j'ai manipulé la Minurso"- "Abdelaziz nous a fait jurer sur le Coran" pour bloquer le processus d'identification (27-11-1998)]
*Boullahi El Khalifa - Director of Polisario radio broadcasting [ [ ] Octobre 1988 : limplosion du Polisario (1-11-2005)]
*Mohamed Salem Khatri [ [ ] Détournement des aides humanitaires par le Polisario (MAP, 2000)]
* Keltoum Khayati - Formerly in charge of the organization of women. [ [ ] Deportation of Sahrawi children to Cuba by 'Polisario' denounced (3-30-2005)]
*Ayoub Lahbib - Founder member of the Polisario and member of the Executive Committee [ [ ] Gajmoula Ebbi raconte son aventure avec le Polisario, ses rêves, son calvaire et ses attentes (10-19-2006)] .
*Abderrahmane LeibekPolisario member [ [ ] Le coup de maître (22-10-2004)]
*Mohamed Ahmed ben Omar Ouled M'Brirek - Polisario representative for the identification of Sahrawis [ [ ] Mohamed Ahmed Ben Omar Ouled MBrirek : « Les gens en ont assez dattendre jusquà léternité »]
*Ahmed Moulay MHamed - Head of the Security Services [ [ ] Détournement des aides humanitaires par le Polisario]
*Lfdal Malaininedirector at the Education Ministry [ [ ] Guerre de clans et scission inévitable à Tindouf, selon trois ex-responsables du "Polisario" ayant regagné le Maroc]
*Ghoulam Najem Mouichane - representative in Germany [ [ ] Détournement des aides humanitaires par le Polisario]
*Ahmed Ould Mohamed Abderrahman Cheikh Abdelaziz Rabani [ [ ] Trois cadres du Polisario regagnent le Maroc]
*Hametti Rabani - Minister for Justice and Cults [ [ ] Un représentant du Polisario à l'opération d'identification regagne le Maroc]
*Mohamed Abdellahi Ould Mohamed El Mostapha Rabani - Lawyer [ [ ] Trois cadres du Polisario regagnent le Maroc]
*El Haj Abdellah Ould Abdelkader Ould RabaniJournalist [ [ ] Trois cadres du Polisario regagnent le Maroc]
*Merrebih Rebbou [ [ ] Interview avec Merrebih Rebbou]
*Ahmed Ould Saleh - personal secretary of Ayoub Lahbib [ [ ] Report: Clan wars and unavoidable scission in Tindouf, defectors]
*Bouchaâb Yahdih - representative of Polisario in France [ [ ] Les geôliers de Tindouf mis à nu]
*Cheikh Ali El Bouhali Hnini [ [ ] S.M. le Roi Mohammed VI Mohjamed VI reçoit Cheikh Ali El Bouhali Hnini ayant regagné récemment la mère-patrie]
*Daifallah Yahdih - former census official [ [ ] Polisario leadership lives in wealth to detriment of camps' populations, Polisario member]
*Cheikh El Mahjoub Ould M'Hamed Salem Ould Erraha - former census official [ [ ] Onze Marocains parmi les séquestrés des camps de Tindouf regagnent la Mère-patrie]

The reports of the experiences of the former members of Polisario have generally been published in Moroccan newspapers supporting the government position on Western Sahara. The possibility to freely report on the problem of Western Sahara is limited in Morocco. (see: International Press Institute, World Press Freedom Review, 2005 Morocco) [ :International Press Institute, World Press Freedom Review, 2005 Morocco [ ] ]

US Senator Donald M. Payne, from New Jersey has recently referred to some former members of Polisario during a hearing before the subcommittee on Africa: "Also several people who were in a position of authority in the Polisario camps, when serious human rights abuses including torture were widespread, particularly during the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s, now occupy positions of authority in the Moroccan civil administration. This is based on information Amnesty International has been privy to." [HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON AFRICA, GLOBAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONSOF THE COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED NINTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION, NOVEMBER 17, 2005, p. 15 ( ) ] This statement reflects badly on both Polisario and the Moroccan government. Neither has given any comment on it, as yet. It is not unlikely that Mr. Payne's intention was to especially target the Moroccon government as he did not refer to the Amnesty International findings concerning the continuing impunity of present Polisario leaders guilty of these crimes [ (see Polisario camps) ] . Contrary to Mr. Payne's statement none of the aforementioned former members of Polisario have been accused by Amnesty International of personal involvement in human rights abuses. If they were in any other way responsible for, or accessory to these facts can only be established by a comprehensive investigation of the whole Polisario leadership of that period. [Mohamed Abdelaziz has been both Secretary General of the Polisario Front and the President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic since 1976.]


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