- Journaliste en danger
Journaliste en danger (JED) is an independent, non partisan
non-profit organization ( _fr. association à but non lucratif) founded onNovember 20 1998 inKinshasa , Democratic Republic of Congo, on the initiative of a group of Congolesejournalist s for the defence and promotion of thepress freedom in DR Congo.JED was founded out of the concern that press freedom was being violated and that journalists had become victims of unfair justice. JED is not an association reserved solely for journalists, but rather a wholly independent and open structure to all those who feel like having a vocation to defend and promote their right to inform and to be informed freely without any restriction.
May 2003 , JED has been active in eight otherCentral Africa n countries:Burundi ,Cameroon ,Congo Brazzaville ,Gabon ,Equatorial Guinea , TheCentral African Republic ,Rwanda andChad .JED is a member of the
International Freedom of Expression Exchange , a global network of non-governmental organisations that monitorsfreedom of expression worldwide and defends journalists, writers, internet users and others who are persecuted for exercising their right tofreedom of expression .External links
* [http://www.jed-afrique.org/ Journaliste en danger - Official Homepage]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.