Stonehenge II

Stonehenge II

Stonehenge II is a replica of the original Stonehenge monument, conceived by the late Al Shepperd and built with the help of his friend and neighbor, Hunt resident Doug Hill. It can be found on FM 1340 west of Hunt, Texas, USA. The grid reference is coord|30|04.428|N|99|21.530|W|.

Most of the stones are constructed of plaster applied to a wire mesh frame [ [ Welcome to Stonehenge II Page 2 ] ] . On the other hand, two of the central stones are real, large, and probably unmovable without heavy equipment.

There are also two imitation Moai, or Easter Island statues, at the same site. (Easter Island is also known as Rapa Nui and Isla de Pascua.) The imitation Moai are made of the same material as the Stonehenge II stones.

The site features now rarely seen large red harvester ants. The mounds are easy to spot as the ants have cleared the vegetation in about a one meter diameter circle around them. The red ants, a primary source of food for the Texas Horned Lizard (or horny toad), have mostly disappeared because of the proliferation of fire ants.

ee also

*Stonehenge replicas and derivatives


External links

* [ Official site]
* [ Roadside America]

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