Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Canada)

Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Canada)

The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons ( _fr. Leader du gouvernement à la Chambre des communes), more commonly known as the Government House Leader, is the Cabinet minister responsible for planning and managing the government's legislative program in the Canadian House of Commons. The position is not legally entitled to cabinet standing on its own, so all Government House Leaders must simultaneously hold another portfolio. In recent years, sinecure assignments have been used to give House Leaders cabinet standing while allowing them to focus entirely on house business. The current House Leader is Peter Van Loan.

The Government House Leader works on the government's behalf by negotiating with the House Leaders of the Opposition parties. This often includes discussion over timetables and may include concessions to demands by opposition parties to ensure quick passage of a Bill and possible opposition support. The position is especially crucial during periods of minority government when no party has a majority in the House and the government must rely on the support of one or more Opposition parties to not only pass its legislative agenda but remain in power. The holder of the position must be an expert in parliamentary procedure in order to argue points of order before the Speaker of the House of Commons as well as be a good strategist and tactician in order to outmanoeuver the opposition parties.

From 1867 until World War II, the Prime Minister of Canada took upon himself the responsibilities of being Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, organizing and coordinating House of Commons business with the other parties. The expansion of government responsibilities during the war led to Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King deciding to designate one of his ministers to delegate those responsibilities. In 1946, the position of Government House Leader was formally recognized. In 1968, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau designated the President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada the responsibilities of Government House Leader.

Under Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, the roles of Government House Leader and President of the Privy Council were separated in 1989. Under Mulroney and his successors, the position of House Leader would often be held by someone who was named a Minister of State without any portfolio responsibilities specified. Since 2003, this Minister of State status has been obscured in all but the most official circumstances by the use of a "Leader of the Government in the House of Commons" style in its place.

Prime Minister Paul Martin's first House Leader, Jacques Saada was also Minister responsible for Democratic Reform; however, with the election of a minority government in the 2004 election, he appointed Tony Valeri to the position of Leader of the Government in the House of Commons with no additional responsibilities.

Leaders of the Government in the House of Commons

Prior to 1944 the Prime Minister of Canada had the responsibilities of coordinating House of Commons business. In 1944, William Lyon Mackenzie King designated those responsibilities to one of his Cabinet ministers. The position of Leader of the Government in the House of Commons was formally recognized in 1946. It first became a full time position in 1968 when Pierre Trudeau assigned the responsibilities to the position of President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada. The association of the Privy Council President with the House Leader portfolio ended in 1989.

The position of Government House Leader is not technically a cabinet-level post, but rather a parliamentary office, so in order to qualify for cabinet membership an individual must be named to cabinet in some other capacity. In recent years, with the position having evolved into a full-time job, Government House Leaders have been named to cabinet as Ministers of State with no portfolio specified. The Martin government has taken to styling these positions so that the Minister of State title is effectively invisible.

List of Government House Leaders.

1. The Turner Ministry never convened the House, so Ouellet never technically served as Government House Leader. He was also named "Minister of State for Economic and Regional Development".

2. During this period Erik Nielsen, the Conservative House Leader when the party had been in Opposition, had the position of President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada. In practice this meant that Nielsen was senior Government House Leader in all but name and that Hnatyshyn was, in practice, Nielsen's deputy despite having the title of Government House Leader. This situation ended when Hnatyshyn became President of the Privy Council on February 27, 1985.

3. From August 27 1987 Mazankowski was also President of the Treasury Board (until March 30 1988) and Minister responsible for Privatization and Regulatory Affairs (until January 29 1989). From September 15 1988 he was also Minister of Agriculture.

4. The Campbell Ministry never convened the House, so Lewis never technically served as Government House Leader.

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