Agaricus moelleri

Agaricus moelleri

Taxobox | name = "Agaricus moelleri"
regnum = Fungi
divisio = Basidiomycota
classis = Agaricomycetes
ordo = Agaricales
familia = Agaricaceae
genus = "Agaricus"
species = "A. moelleri"
binomial = "Agaricus moelleri"
binomial_authority = Wasser, 1973
name = Agaricus moelleri
whichGills = free
capShape = flat

"Agaricus moelleri" (also known as the inky mushroom) is a mushroom of the genus "Agaricus". It has a slender white stem which is club-shaped at its base. The stipe has a drooping ring which stains yellow very easily when bruised - this colour then changes to brown over time. The stipe flesh bruises yellow only faintly (more obvuous in the base). The gills are crowded, as is typical for an "Agaricus", and are pink on young specimens, but brown to black on older specimens. The cap has a greyish-brown patch in the centre and cold grey-brown scaling on an off-white background surrounding this. The cap flesh is white and does not change colour on cutting.

In the same fashion as "Agaricus xanthodermus", "Agaricus moelleri" are poisonous to some people but not others - it is best to presume these are poisonous overall. [ [] ]


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