Stena sphere

Stena sphere

The Stena sphere is a conglomerate with three parent companies, Stena Metall AB, Stena Sessan AB and Stena AB and is based in Gothenburg in Sweden. It is wholly owned by the Olsson family. The chief executive officer of the group is Dan Sten Olsson the son of the founder.

Stena AB

Amongst its subsidiaries:
*Stena Line is a Swedish ferry company operating ferries in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and Irish Sea. The chief executive officer of Stena Line is Gunnar Blomdahl.
*Stena Drilling is a maritime drilling contractor based in Aberdeen. In 2006 it had 665 employees and had sales of SEK 4,510,000. The managing director is Tom Welo. [ Stena AB, Annual Review 2006]
*Stena Rederi AB supports and coordinates the shipping activities in Stena AB.
*Stena RoRo AB builds, purchases, sells and charters RoRo vessels. Many of Stena Line's vessels are owned by Stena RoRo. Stena RoRo has 200 employees and had sales of SEK 592 million in 2006. [ Stena AB, Annual Review 2006] Christer Schoug has been the managing director Since 15 May 2006.
*Stena Bulk operates a fleet of tankers worldwide, has 225 employees and had sales of SEK4.375 million in 2006. [ Stena AB, Annual Review 2006] Ulf G Ryder is the managing director.
*Stena Teknik is a central resource for expertise in ship building and ship conversions within the Stena Sphere. It has 14 employees and the Technical Director is Harry Robertsson. [ Stena AB, Annual Review 2006]
*Northern Marine Management is a ship management company and ship manning agency. Their head office is in Glasgow. It has 6,811 employees and had sales of SEK 146 million in 2006. Kenneth MacLeod is the managing director.
*Stena Property owns 2.1 million m² and manages 300,000m ² of real estate in Sweden, the Netherlands, France and China. The number of employees in 2006 was 283 with sales of SEK 2,164 million. The current managing director (2006) of Stena Fastigheter (the Swedish part of the business)is Christel Armstrong Darvik. Peter de Ligt is the Managing Director of Stena Realty which operates outside Sweden. [ Stena AB, Annual Review 2006]
*Stena International B.V. is a, Dutch, property owning, subsidiary.
*AB Stena Finans is the treasury and asset management entity for the whole Stena organisation. It is located in both Gothenburg and Switzerland. Stena Finans has 74 employees and employed SEK 7,800 million capital in 2006. Svante Carlsson is the Finance Director.
*Stena Adactum acquires and develops other companies. It employs 833 people and had sales of SEK 1,695 million in 2006. The managing director is Martin Svalstedt. [ Stena AB, Annual Review 2006]

tena Sessan AB

Sessanlinjen (Sessan Line) or G.F.L. (Göteborg-Fredrikshavns line) was purchased by Stena in 1980. It ended the severe competition that existed in the Kattegat between Sessan Line and Stena Line up to that time. One of its subsidiaries is;
*Concordia Maritime AB which operates a fleet of 14 modern tankers. It is a public company of about 6000 shares with Stena Sphere, through Stena Sessan AB, being the principal shareholder.

tena Metall AB

Stena Metall recycles and processes metals, paper, electronics, hazardous waste and chemicals. Its operations also include international trading in steel, metals and oil. It is the oldest part of the Stena Sphere having been founded on November 18, 1939.It has operations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Poland, Russia and the USA.


The Stena group was founded by Sten Allan Olsson in 1939 when he started his own company, Sten A. Olsson Metallprodukter with a loan of Kr 25,000 from Svenska Handelsbanken, guaranteed by his father and uncle. In 1941 he bought Maskinaffären Generator AB, which sold second hand steam boilers and machinery. When demand exceeded supply he started manufacturing them.
In 1946 he went to England and bought two trawlers and two minesweepers. The minesweepers had motor machinery, the trawlers had boilers. The boilers were sold and the minesweepers scrapped, and the trawlers were converted into cargo ships. This was the beginning of the Stena fleet.In 1962 Sten Olsson chartered a ship to run between Gothenburg and Skagen, and then later from Gothenburg to Frederikshavn. With these small starts this grew to become Stena Line.
Stena Offshore was created in 1976 and grew until it was sold for Kr 37 Billion in 2000. The drilling fleet remained and is now Stena Drilling.
The Stena group has made a profit every year since 1939 and has grown to include the largest ferry company in the world.

External links

* [ Stena Sphere]
* [ Stena Line] Main web site for Stena Line.
* [ Stena Line UK] Stena Line's UK site.
* [ Stena Line Ireland]
* [ Stena Line NL] Stena Line's Dutch site.
* [ Stena Drilling]
* [ Stena RoRo]
* [ Stena Bulk]
* [ Northern Marine Management]
* [ Stena Fastigheter]
* [ Stena Adactum]
* [ Stena Sessan]
* [ Stena Metall]
* [ Concordia Maritime AB]


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