- William C. Rhodes
William C. Rhodes III is President and
Chief Executive Officer of AutoZone, Inc., [DeCarlo, Scott, [http://www.forbes.com/lists/2006/12/DCK2.html "CEO Compensation: William C Rhodes III"] ,Forbes ,April 20 ,2006 (URL retrieved October 22, 2006).] aFortune 500 company. [ [http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/snapshots/145.html "Fortune 500: Autozone"] ,CNN.com (URL retrieved October 22, 2006).] He was named to those positions onMarch 13 ,2005 , [ [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9402E6D9123CF936A25750C0A9639C8B63 "Company News; Office Depot Names Auto Parts Executive as Chief"] ,New York Times ,March 15 ,2005 (URL retrieved October 22, 2006).] following more than 12 years with the company where he served in a variety of executive-level roles. [ [http://stocks.us.reuters.com/stocks/officersDirectorsDetails.asp?symbol=AZO.N&officerID=109643 "Officers & Directors Detail: AutoZone Inc AZO (NYSE)"] ,Reuters (URL retrieved October 22, 2006).] According to annual proxy filings with theUnited States Securities and Exchange Commission , his 2005 compensation from AutoZone totaled over US $8.5M. [ [http://www.usatoday.com/money/companies/management/2006-04-07-ceo-alpha.htm "Special report: Executive compensation"] ,USA Today ,April 10 ,2006 (URL retrieved October 22, 2006).]Rhodes is a graduate of the
University of Tennessee at Martin with an accounting degree. He also earned a master of business administration degree from theUniversity of Memphis .Notes
External links
* [http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=76792&p=IROL-govBio&t=Regular&id=118437 Official Corporate Bio] at Autozone website
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